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magic mushrooms

Magic Mushrooms 101

Magic Mushrooms 101: Everything You Need To Know Before You Trip

Magic mushrooms are used as a tool for self-growth, as well as treating legitimate medical conditions — such as depression, PTSD, existential anxiety, cluster headaches, and more.

Medical research on magic mushrooms has shown a lot of promise over the last few decades, and longstanding laws around the use of magic mushrooms are being revisited.

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about magic mushrooms — from start to finish.

What Are Magic Mushrooms?

“Magic mushroom” is an all-encompassing term for any species of fungi with psychoactive or hallucinogenic effects. They’re one of the most common psychoactive substances on earth.

There are over 200 different species of magic mushrooms — which can be found growing on every continent on earth except Antarctica.

Magic mushrooms contain two psychoactive alkaloids — psilocybin and psilocin. These alkaloids have the ability to interact with the serotonin receptors (5HT2A) — producing changes in the way we perceive sensory information (sound, vision, and touch).

Aside from changing sensory perception, magic mushrooms have a strong spiritual component. They’re used as a tool for self-discovery and spiritual experience. They’ve been used as a sacrament in virtually every region of the world in which they can be found — including South America, North America, Europe, Asia, and Australasia.

Medical research on magic mushrooms has seen a lot of breakthroughs in the last three years too. Magic mushrooms have been shown to offer substantial benefits in treating addiction, depression, anxiety, cluster headaches, and much more.

Magic Mushrooms: Specs & Technical Details

Active Ingredients Psilocybin & Psilocin
Level of Risk Low
Street Names Magic Mushrooms, Mushies, Shrooms
Most Common Side Effects Anxiety, Digestive Upset
Duration of Effects 4 – 6 Hours
Legality Illegal or Decriminalized

Deadheads Safe Trip Guidelines

  1. 🐍 I understand why psychedelics should be treated with respect
  2. ⚖️ I’m familiar with the laws for magic mushrooms in my country & state
  3. 🍄 I’m familiar and confident in the dose I’m taking (1–3 g for the first session)
  4. 💊 I’m not mixing any medications or other substances with magic mushrooms
  5. 🏔 I’m in a safe & comfortable environment with people I trust
  6. 🐺 One of the members of my group is responsible and sober (AKA a trip sitter)
  7. ⏳ I have nothing important scheduled for after the trip
  8. 🧠 I’m in a sound & healthy state of mind
  9. 📚 I’m familiar with the four pillars of responsible psychedelic use — set, setting, sitter, & substance.
  10. 🍄 I’ve properly identified the mushrooms I’m using — never wildcraft psilocybin mushrooms unless you’re 100% sure about the species you’re picking. There are poisonous lookalikes.
  11. ⏳ Know the timeline — the effects of magic mushrooms are going to last between 6 and 8 hours.
  12. 🙅‍♀️ Know when to avoid magic mushrooms — don’t take shrooms if you have underlying heart, neurological, or psychiatric disorders.

Magic mushrooms are illegal throughout most of the world. They’re classified as Schedule I in the United States, which makes them illegal to produce, possess, and use.

However, laws are rapidly evolving. Within the last 12 months, both Oregon and Washington, DC, decriminalized the use of magic mushrooms. North of the border, the province of British Columbia, Canada, silently decriminalized all psychedelic drugs — including magic mushrooms. Here, it’s easy to get magic mushrooms delivered.

These changes in legal restrictions are a representation of how public opinion about these psychoactive fungi is evolving.

With the recent New York Times bestseller from author Michael Pollan — How to Change Your Mind — and dozens of breakthroughs in medical research over the past five years, more people are becoming educated about magic mushrooms.

There’s no evidence thus far to suggest magic mushrooms pose any threat to society.

On the contrary, research on magic mushrooms suggests these mushrooms could offer a solution to some of society’s biggest issues — from drug addiction to depression — both of which have become epidemics in Western society.

Startups like MindMed and Field Trip are popping up in places like Canada and the United Kingdom that are centered around the medicinal use of magic mushrooms for treating psychiatric disorders.

Laws are rapidly evolving in this space. At the moment, psilocybin clinics are only allowed to offer services for end-of-life care, but laws are expected to change within the next 12-24 months.

→ Learn more about psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy (PAP)


Magic Mushroom Dosage Calculator

The easiest way to find the dose of magic mushroom is to use our dosage calculator below. Enter your weight, the desired level of effects (microdoses, standard psychoactive doses, and heroic doses), and the type of mushrooms you’re using.

If microdosing, the goal is to take around 10% of a psychoactive dose. For larger people, this could be as high as 200 mg; for smaller people, it could be as little as 50 mg. The average microdose is around 100 mg.

If the intention is to take a psychoactive dose, the average is usually either 2 or 3 grams.

Heroic doses should only be considered by people with a lot of experience using magic mushrooms and who have a good understanding of the fundamentals of the set, setting, and responsible psychedelic use.

Comparing the Effects of Magic Mushrooms By Dose

The dosages of magic mushrooms can be separated into three categories — each of which has completely different impacts and should be used for different purposes:

Dosage Type Dose (In grams of Dried Mushrooms) What Is This Dose Used For? Frequency Of Use
Microdose 0.2–0.5 grams • Boost focus
• Improve concentration
• Promote creativity
• Enhance productivity
• To become more in touch with emotions
Cycles can range from once every three days to 1 week on, one week off
Threshold Dose 0.5 to 1 gram • Enhanced creativity
• Slight perceptual changes
• Alterations in mood & empathy
Once every couple of weeks or less.
Psychoactive Dose 2 to 5 grams • To reset the default mode network (DMN)
• For spiritual growth and exploration
• As a treatment for psychiatric health problems
Once every couple of months maximum
Heroic Dose Over 5 grams • To reset the default mode network (DMN)
• For medical applications (under the guidance of a professional)
This dose should never be attempted without professional guidanceOnce every couple of years

Microdosing Magic Mushrooms

(Less than 0.2 grams)

Microdosing magic mushrooms is a popular practice these days.

It’s used as a form of nootropic (substances that increase focus and memory) to boost productivity and creative thought process.

This concept involves taking magic mushrooms at a sub-psychoactive dose (it won’t make you high) on an ongoing basis.

This practice was made famous after it came to light that a circle of Silicon Valley CEOs and executives were using microdoses of magic mushrooms to be more productive and improve higher cognitive reasoning and thought.

What Does a Microdose Feel Like?

Microdoses of magic mushrooms (below the psychoactive threshold) produce a sense of focus and increased creativity.

The effects are strongest on the first day but gradually become more subtle the more you use them. This is because the body quickly develops a tolerance to the psychoactive effects of the mushrooms — but this doesn’t mean they’re not offering any benefits.

Some people won’t experience any perceptual or physical changes, even with the first dose.

The goal of using microdoses is to achieve a higher level of focus and productivity over time. They’re used to assist in developing new habits and routines and achieve a better grasp on emotional and interpersonal connections.

The first few days of taking a microdose can result in some mild perceptual changes — such as slight waviness in vision (especially when looking at a digital screen), tingly sensations throughout the body, and changes in depth-perception in the hands and limbs.

Microdoses can also cause some mild changes in mood (either extra social or slightly antisocial), a feeling of mild euphoria, and alterations in workflow or focus.

Over the course of a few days, you should notice most of the perceptual changes disappear. You should still experience the benefits of focus, concentration, and creativity.

Threshold Dose (AKA Low Dose)

(0.5 – 1 gram)

The threshold dose refers to the minimum amount of a substance needed to produce noticeable psychoactive effects.

This dose isn’t strong enough to produce significant perception changes or ego death experiences — but can make everything feel a little bit “different” or “sparkly”.

People who use this dose may feel a tingly sensation in their stomach, some mild perceptual differences (such as seeing subtle “vibrations” in their vision, enhanced tactile and audio perception). Many people find they’re able to pick out new layers of sounds in the music they’ve listened to many times before, and some experience a dramatic uptick in mood and empathy towards others.

The threshold dose is sometimes used to facilitate the creative process. It makes you feel more open-minded and creative without adding too much of the psychedelic effects that can interfere with the creative process itself.

Standard Psychoactive Dose

(2 – 5 Grams)

The standard psychoactive dose (2 – 5 grams) produces much stronger effects. At this dose, the full extent of the psychoactive effects of magic mushrooms becomes apparent.

This is the most common dosage range used for therapeutic doses in a clinical setting. It’s also the most common dose people use when taking mushrooms for the purpose of self-growth and introspection.

T-0: Taking the Mushrooms

From the moment you take the mushrooms, the time begins. This is T-0.

Around T-30 (30 minutes after taking the mushrooms), you’ll start to feel some mild effects from the mushrooms. The effects usually begin with a feeling of having “butterflies” in the stomach, which gradually transforms into sensations in the arms and legs over the course of an hour.

T-60: 1 The Onset

At T-60 (1 hour in), the effects will be much more apparent.

Mushrooms have a much stronger “body high” component compared to LSD or other psychedelics, so you should expect to feel some “trippy” sensations throughout the body. It’s common for people to feel like their arms and legs are longer or shorter than normal, your hands may look and feel different, and you may even feel as though your limbs are not your own (strange, I know, but this sensation is hard to describe with words).

Learn More About the Shroom’s Effect Timeline Here.

T-90: Peak Effects

By T-90 (an hour and a half), the mushrooms should be approaching their peak effects, which will then last for 1 – 2 hours before gradually decreasing over the course of about 3 hours). At this time, you’ll experience moderate to strong visual distortions and hallucinations. These hallucinations are based on real-life objects and people — you won’t be seeing any cartoon unicorns or anything like that. The high you feel at this dose doesn’t remove you from reality. You’ll remain cognizant of the real world.

The visuals can become very intense. Objects may be morphing and changing, patterns begin forming into geometric shapes, and objects that may have otherwise been unremarkable may appear to have much greater significance — such as a knot in a tree or a spec on the wall.

Internally, the effects of magic mushrooms at this dose can become confusing and chaotic. Making decisions becomes much more difficult, and you easily lose focus on what you’re doing. You may feel exceptionally introspective and experience realizations to thoughts or concepts that are difficult to grasp while sober — such as the meaning of life and existence.

Mushrooms can induce deep philosophical thinking at this dose.

T-180: Returning Back To Reality

Around T-180 (about 3 hours into the trip), you may start to notice the effects starting to fade. At this point, the effects of the mushrooms come in “waves.” At times they’re very strong, followed by periods of diminished effects and return to near-normal thought processes. This can go on for a couple of hours, each wave peaking at a lower intensity.

T-300: The Comedown

By T-300 (5 hours into the trip), you’ll be in a state of relaxation. The experience you just went through will leave you with a lot to think about. You’ll feel relatively relaxed and low-energy. You’ll still be feeling the effects of the mushrooms, but much of your regular thought structure will be back by this time. The effects will continue to wear off gradually over the next couple of hours.

Heroic Doses of Magic Mushrooms

(More than 5 grams)

The heroic dose is a concept made popular by famous leaders in the psychedelic space such as Paul Stamets, Timothy Leary, Michael Pollan, and brothers Terance McKenna & Dennis Mckenna. It involves taking a high dose (over 5 grams) of magic mushrooms or pure psilocybin.

A “heroic dose” should never be attempted by anybody without proper guidance from a professional, and certainly never alone. A trip sitter or trained psychotherapist is a necessary step when using high doses of any psychedelic substance.

Heroic doses are used to induce powerful hallucinations, reset of the default mode network (DMN), and ego death.

Check out this interview with Dennis McKenna on heroic doses of magic mushrooms.

What Does a Heroic Dose Feel Like?

Heroic doses of magic mushrooms start out with the same progression of the standard psychoactive dosage range. The difference only becomes apparent around 90 minutes after using the mushrooms.

High doses can produce strong dissociative states. While it’s rare for even large doses to cause a complete decoupling with reality in the way other psychedelics like DMT or Ibogaine can produce, high doses often make users feel as though they’re outside their own bodies.

A common experience involves the perception that you’re standing “behind yourself”, watching your body move autonomously through the world beyond your control.

You experience intense visions and hallucinations — some of which can be terrifying at times. Bad trips are much more common at this high dose, which is why it’s important that you have experience with using these mushrooms before even attempting this dose. The intensity of visions can become similar to drugs like DMT or ayahuasca at this dose.

The total duration of effects will be slightly longer when using high doses compared to standard psychoactive doses. The average duration of effects for this dose is around 7 hours.

Also see: Can Orange Juice Really Improve a Psychedelic Trip?

How to Take Magic Mushrooms

There are many different ways to use magic mushrooms. The most common method is to simply eat a few of the dried mushrooms directly, but you can also make mushroom tea, make them into mushroom chocolates, or diffuse them into honey.

Here are seven methods for consuming magic mushrooms:

Eat The Mushrooms Whole

This is the most common method of using mushrooms around the world. You can eat both fresh and dried mushrooms directly.

I’m going to be completely honest — magic mushrooms don’t taste great. Fresh mushrooms are a little bit better, but not by much. The easiest way to use them is to just knock them back and follow up with some sort of chase to mask the taste (if needed).

Related: 8 Things to Do After Eating Magic Mushrooms.

Some people will add their shrooms to food to mask the flavor. Some effective meals for this are pizza or pasta.

The only rule here is that you should never heat the mushrooms in any way. Heat will destroy the psilocybin and remove its psychoactive effects. Always add the mushrooms at the very end if you’re trying to mask them in food.

Before you start digging into your bag of mushrooms, it’s important to weigh out the correct dose using a scale. This is an important step to ensure you’re using the right dose each time and avoid the risk of taking too much.

What’s the Dose For Fresh Mushrooms?

If using dried mushrooms, stick to the dosages listed above (0.2 grams or less for microdose and 2 – 4 grams for standard dose).

For fresh mushrooms, the dose is much higher to account for the added water weight. Mushrooms contain as much as ten times higher while fresh than dried. So you should multiply the dried dose by 10 to find the equivalent dose in fresh mushrooms.

For example, the standard 3-gram dose of dry mushrooms is equivalent to about 30 grams of fresh.

Eat The Mycelium (Truffles)

Truffles refer to the underground portion of the mushroom — called the mycelium.

What we think of as a “mushroom” is simply the reproductive organ of the fungi. The organism itself lives below the ground in the form of a thick mat of fibrous “threads” called mycelia. These threats penetrate the mushroom’s source of food to break it down and turn it into energy.

The mushrooms that appear above the soils are sent up seasonally for the purpose of spreading their spores to form new organisms.

In some parts of the world, magic mushrooms are illegal, but mycelium (truffles) are not. If you order magic mushrooms at a coffee shop in Amsterdam, for example, you’re going to get a bag of truffles rather than mushroom fruiting bodies.

Truffles contain the active psilocybin and psilocin as well but in lower concentrations. Additionally, it’s nearly impossible to separate all the growing substrates from the mycelium, which adds to the overall weight of the truffles.

The approximate equivalent of a magic mushroom truffle is about 2.7 times the dose of the mushroom caps. This means our 3-gram example dose is equivalent to about 8 grams of truffles.

You can use truffles the same way you would use dried mushrooms. Eat them directly, mix them into capsules, or make tea.

Make Mushroom Tea

Mushroom tea is an attractive option because it helps eliminate the bad taste of the mushrooms and reduces the chances of digestive discomfort — which some people experience when eating dried mushies.

The most important thing to remember when making mushroom tea is to avoid overheating the mushrooms. Heat will destroy the active ingredients.

If you have a variable temperature kettle, set the temperature to around 70ºC (158ºF). If you don’t have a variable temperature kettle, keep a close eye as the water heats up and remove from the heat as soon as bubbles start to form at the bottom.

Add the mushrooms to a teapot or tea bag and let it infuse for several minutes.

You can continue to reuse the mushrooms as much as you want. In order to get the full dose, you may need to do a couple of washes with new water.

This isn’t the most efficient way of using magic mushrooms because the active ingredient, psilocybin, doesn’t dissolve very efficiently in water. For this reason, you may need to increase the dose used by about 10% to offset this.

Also see: How to Take Magic Mushrooms with Lemon Tek.

Make Psychedelic Mushroom Honey

You can make psychedelic honey yourself by covering dry mushrooms in honey for several weeks. The psilocybin will gradually diffuse from the mushrooms into the honey. From here, you can simply eat the honey raw, add it to a tea (not too hot, remember), or spread it over toast or another source of food.

The hardest part when making psilocybin honey is getting the potency right.

It’s a good idea to aim for a ratio of about 1:10 — meaning that for every gram of magic mushrooms, you’re adding about 10 milliliters of honey.

It also helps to chop the mushrooms up into smaller pieces using a coffee grinder or blender. Avoid powdering the mushrooms though it will be difficult to strain later.

Let the honey and mushrooms sit for at least three weeks to ensure as much of the active ingredients can diffuse into the honey as possible. Give the jar a shake every now and then to mix it up.

When it’s ready, you can use the honey as-is or run it through a cheesecloth to filter out the mushroom bits (totally optional).

Make Mushroom Chocolates

Magic mushroom chocolates are often referred to as “truffles,” — but don’t get this mixed up with the mycelium bodies which were covered above that also goes by the name truffles.

Chocolate truffles are made by mixing the dry mushroom powder into a chocolate base. They’re popular as a way to mask the flavor of the mushrooms and make them easier to consume.

It’s also important to add the mushrooms while the truffles are cooling. Melt the chocolate separately, pour them into your chocolate molds first — and then mix the mushrooms into the chocolate. This ensures the mushrooms are never heated up — which destroys the active ingredients.

Make Scooby Snax (Capsules)

Mushroom capsules are the most common method of consumption for microdoses because it helps standardize the dose and allow you to add other ingredients to the mix.

The term “Scooby Snax” is used to describe a capsule formulation involving a small dose of magic mushrooms (less than 200 micrograms), align with other helpful ingredients such as ginger, L-theanine, L-tyrosine, 5-HTP, caffeine, or other ingredients.

You can get creative when making scooby snax, depending on what you’re looking to achieve. There are all sorts of recipes available online.

You can also make scooby snax capsules for standard psychoactive doses — just keep in mind you’ll likely need to take a few capsules at a time to reach the dose. A standard capsule holds a maximum of about 400 micrograms of dried mushroom powder on its own. Once you account for the other ingredients in the mix, this dose is even lower.

Take Pure Psilocybin Concentrate

Most of the medical research on psilocybin and magic mushrooms uses a pure form of psilocybin given in the form of a capsule or injection.

While this is much less commonly used by the public, it remains a good option if you have access to pure psilocybin or psilocin.

The dose of pure psilocybin for a standard psychoactive dose is between 10 and 25 mg of pure psilocybin.

How Do Magic Mushrooms Work?

Magic mushrooms work by mimicking the effects of serotonin — one of the brain’s most important neurotransmitters. Serotonin is involved with the regulation of mood, memories, focus, creativity, sexual arousal, and much more.

The active ingredients in magic mushrooms — psilocybin and psilocin — share a similar structure to serotonin. This allows them to interact with specific serotonin receptors located in various regions of the brain.

Most of the effects of magic mushrooms come from psilocin rather than psilocybin. Psilocybin needs to be metabolized (converted) by the liver into active psilocin before it can produce any effects.

Psilocin & The 5-HT1A Receptors

Activating this receptor doesn’t have nearly as strong of an effect on our perception, but it does interact with other parts of the body — such as heart rate and blood pressure.

This receptor is thought to be the primary mechanism involved with the anti-anxiety benefits of magic mushrooms.

Psilocin & The 5-HT2A Receptors

Most psychedelics work through the same mechanism — activation of the 5HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors.

The 5HT2A receptor is a subgroup of serotonin receptors (there are several) ranging from 5HT1 through to 5HT7 — each with a few subtypes referred to as type A, B, or C.

Psilocin interacts with several of these receptors, producing changes in mood, autonomic processes like heart rate, pupil dilation, and more. However, it’s this 5-HT2A receptor specifically that accounts for the majority of the psychoactive effects from the compound.

Activating these receptors results in changes in visual and auditory perception, mental stimulation, mood, memory, and more.

Psilocin & 5-HT2C Receptors

This is the second target for most psychedelic compounds — including magic mushrooms, LSD, DMT, and mescaline.

These receptors are responsible for inhibiting dopamine and norepinephrine release in certain parts of the brain. This effect is thought to contribute to the anti-anxiety, mood-balancing, and appetite-suppressing effects of magic mushrooms.

Activation of these receptors causes a change in the visual cortex of the brain.

Are Magic Mushrooms Safe?

Magic mushrooms can cause short-term psychological distress in the form of a bad trip. It’s been known to cause bouts of anxiety and paranoia while under the influence.

With that said, with proper care and mental preparation, the chances of experiencing a “bad trip” on magic mushrooms can be dramatically reduced.

The risk of physical harm from magic mushrooms is exceptionally low, and there has never been a single reported death from a magic mushroom overdose to date.

Researchers have been studying the effects of magic mushrooms for over 60 years now. Several large clinical trials involving high doses of magic mushrooms or pure psilocybin have all reported no lasting health effects following the trials [34].

One of the best ways to assess the toxicity of a substance is to look at the LD50 — which refers to the “lethal dose” of a substance. LD50 is determined by giving animals (usually mice) increasingly higher doses of a compound until 50% die from an overdose.

This type of study is unethical — there’s no doubt about it — but it does give some useful insight into the toxicity of a particular compound.

Researchers searching for the LD50 for psilocybin noted exceptionally high doses compared to other compounds. The LD50 data for psilocybin is reported to be as high as 280 mg/kg [5].

To put this into context, this is roughly 1000 times the standard psychoactive dose of magic mushrooms. You would need to eat roughly 3500 grams of magic mushrooms before it becomes life-threatening.

This dose is completely unrealistic and likely impossible to achieve. 3500 grams is a lot of mushrooms.

With that said, there are some unwanted side effects that can occur while using magic mushrooms. All of these effects are short-term side effects only and resolve once the mushrooms wear off.

Side Effects of Magic Mushrooms

  • Anxiety & paranoia
  • Dilated pupils
  • Fatigue or drowsiness
  • Headaches
  • Increased heart rate & blood pressure
  • Lack of coordination
  • Muscle weakness
  • Nausea & stomach discomfort

Can Psilocybin Cause Seizures?

Yes, on rare occasions, psilocybin has been found to trigger seizures.

This side effect is extremely rare and much more likely to happen in people with existing seizure disorders. This is one of the reasons why it’s so important to have a trip sitter nearby to call for help or protect you from injuring yourself should you experience a seizure.

Can Psilocybin Cause Psychosis?

Yes, psilocybin can trigger psychosis in susceptible individuals.

It’s important to discuss your desire to use magic mushrooms with a psychiatrist if you or a close family member have been diagnosed with any mental health disorders.

The Real Danger Of Magic Mushrooms: Misidentification

Magic mushrooms themselves have been proven time and time again to be non-toxic — but there’s another hidden danger with using these mushrooms that many people don’t think about — misidentification.

Most psilocybin-containing species of mushrooms have a very unremarkable appearance. They’re one of the millions of small brown mushrooms found growing in forests and pastures around the world.

Many of the lookalike species for these mushrooms are toxic. It takes keen attention to detail and a fair bit of technical understanding to be able to safely differentiate magic mushrooms from other species found in the wild.

Every now and then, a story pops up involving someone who misidentifies edible mushrooms and ends up in the hospital. It’s just as common with wildcrafting gourmet edible mushrooms as it is for magic mushrooms.


The bottom line here is that, while tempting, you should leave wildcrafting magic mushrooms to the experts. It’s okay to go hunting for magic mushrooms in the wild, and it can be a fun Sunday activity on its own, but you need to be 110% confident in your mushroom identification skills before you should even consider eating them.

When to Avoid Magic Mushrooms

Despite the high level of safety for magic mushrooms, there are a few situations where they should be avoided altogether.

  • If you’re taking antipsychotic or antidepressant medications
  • If you’ve been diagnosed with a heart condition
  • While under the influence of alcohol or other drugs
  • If you or a close family member has a history of psychiatric disorders (like schizophrenia or psychosis)
  • If you’re unable to find a safe and comfortable place to use the mushrooms
  • While in the presence of people you don’t trust

What Are The Health Benefits of Magic Mushrooms?

Magic mushrooms offer much more than a psychedelic afternoon. They offer legitimate health benefits — backed up through large-scale clinical trials and decades’ worth of research.

Research began back in the 1960s. Right away, research started showing improvements in psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia, depression, addiction, and existential anxiety.

Today, research on magic mushrooms and other psychedelics is at its prime — there are dozens of studies published on the therapeutic applications every year.

Benefits of magic mushrooms that have been confirmed through medical research:

  • Alleviates or prevents cluster headaches & migraines
  • Reduces cravings & addiction to drugs, alcohol, & cigarettes
  • Supports creative thought & focus (microdoses)
  • Alleviate existential dread & anxiety
  • Improve symptoms of PTSD, generalized anxiety, & social anxiety disorders
  • Improves chronic depression & other mood disorders
  • Alleviates symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

Outside of these benefits, there are a lot of anecdotal reports on the use of magic mushrooms for other conditions and applications as well.

Benefits that have not yet been confirmed through research:

  • Alleviates symptoms of ADD & ADHD
  • Alleviates migraine headaches
  • Reduces symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome
  • May relieve shingles pain

Magic Mushrooms for Cluster Headaches

A cluster headache is similar to a migraine but differentiates in its frequency and duration. Cluster headaches come and go several times throughout the day; each experience lasting 15 minutes to 2 hours at a time. Migraines tend to last much longer and only come on once per day or less.

Cluster headaches can cause significant amounts of pain. One of the common names for this condition is “suicide headaches” because the pain is so great it can leave sufferers contemplating suicide at times.

Research on the effects of psilocybin on cluster headaches is still in its infancy — but the results published so far are very promising.

The team at published the results of a survey they sent out to their readers in 2015. This project was formed after the founders discovered evidence that compounds like LSD had the potential to treat cluster headaches — a condition with a notoriously poor prognosis for treatment.

The results of this study were based on the self-reported data of 496 cluster-headaches sufferers (diagnosis confirmed by neurologist) [6].

The study reported that psilocybin from magic mushrooms was the most effective for preventing cluster headache attacks overall (33.7%).

This was followed by the pharmaceutical medication verapamil (16.6%), LSA (16.1%), steroids (15.1%), LSD (6.5%), and vitamins (3.5%).

Magic Mushrooms for Depression

One of the most promising therapeutic benefits of magic mushrooms is in the treatment of chronic depression.

A study published by the Beckley Foundation involving 12 patients with severe treatment-resistant depression gave patients either 10 or 25 mg of pure psilocybin to explore the impact on symptoms [9]. The study noted a significant reduction in depression scores following the study, which remained intact six months later during a follow-up examination.

There are two methods of using magic mushrooms for the purposes of managing depression:

  • Microdoses taken over long periods of time
  • One or two sessions of a psychoactive dose

One of the ways psilocybin is thought to work for depression comes down to its effects on the 5HT serotonin receptors. Psilocybin has been shown to interact with the 5-HT1A, 5-HT1D, 5-HT2A, and 5-HT2C receptors — several of which are the targets for common antidepressant medications (SSRIs) [7].

For microdosing, the idea is that steady, consistent doses of psilocybin have a downregulating effect on the serotonin receptors over time. Studies have shown that increased binding activity at the serotonin receptors (primarily 5-HT2A) plays a role in depression [8].

For microdosing (psychedelic experience), a similar effect on the serotonin receptors is taking place here as well, but there’s another layer to the benefits.

Psychedelics like psilocybin, LSD, LSA, DMT, and mescaline are all thought to “reset” a system in the brain called the default mode network (DMN) — which we’ll explore in more detail below.

The DMN is involved with our image of self and self-worth — and thought to play a major role in the development of depression. Brain imaging studies have shown psilocybin is able to “reset” and “restructure” the DMN in a way that makes the mind less susceptible to depression and anxiety [1].

Magic Mushrooms for Anxiety

Studies involving the use of psilocybin-containing mushrooms have been ongoing since the 1960s. There have also been thousands of anecdotal reports of users eliminating or dramatically reducing their anxiety symptoms with the help of psychoactive mushrooms over the past 60 years.

More recently, there have been a couple of high-profile clinical studies on the use of magic mushrooms (and related indoleamine compounds) for the treatment of anxiety disorders.

In 2011, a study explored the effects of psilocybin on terminally ill cancer patients diagnosed with acute stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, or adjustment disorder with anxiety (as per the DSM-IV protocol) [10].

Each patient had two sessions — one with 0.2 mg/kg psilocybin, the other with a placebo (niacin) — each session was several months apart.

This study found that the psilocybin dose resulted in a significant reduction in anxiety scores in the majority of patients — which were sustained at the 6-month follow-up period.

Another study (2016) compared the impact of microdosing magic mushrooms versus psychoactive dosing on cancer patients diagnosed with both depression and anxiety [11]. This study noted that psychoactive doses had a much greater improvement in depression and anxiety scores than the microdose group.

The only problem with this study is that researchers failed to test the long-term impact of microdosing. Most experts agree, the benefits of microdosing stem from long-term, ongoing use rather than a one-off treatment.

Related: The Role of Magic Mushrooms In Palliative Care (Existential Anxiety)

Magic Mushrooms For Addiction

Most of the research on the use of psychedelics for treating addiction revolves around LSD (older research focus) or ayahuasca (newer research focus). Magic mushrooms are often grouped under these studies because of their ability to interact with the same receptors — the 5HT2A serotonin receptors.

A study published in 2015 explored the impact of psilocybin in the treatment of alcohol addiction [12]. This study involved two sessions involving doses of either 0.3 or 0.4 mg/kg of pure psilocybin (equivalent to around 4 or 6 grams of magic mushrooms).

Following the treatment, researchers reported a dramatic down-tick in alcohol consumption and cravings among the study participants that were maintained at the conclusion of the follow-up period 36 weeks later.

Another study looked at the impact of psilocybin on another common addiction — tobacco [13]. This study gave patients a dose of either 20 or 30 mg of pure psilocybin per 70 kg of body weight (equivalent to around 3.5 – 5 grams of dried mushrooms).

At the conclusion of this study, researchers reported an incredible 80% of patients were able to quit smoking by the end of the six-month study period. To put this into perspective, the standard interventions involving pharmaceutical medications have an average quit-rat of just 35%.

Magic Mushrooms Microdosing For Focus, Concentration, & Creativity

Very often people seek microdoses of magic mushrooms for the purpose of improving focus and concentration, creativity, and the ability to solve difficult problems.

This practice became famous after it came to light that many of the successful CEOs and executives working for tech companies in Silicon Valley were using microdosing to be more efficient with their work.

There has yet to be any official studies exploring this effect, but a company called MindMed is currently recruiting for a phase II clinical trial to explore a similar compound — LSD — to assess its effects on focus and concentration.

A man named Dr. James Fadiman has been collecting informal data on this effect for the past couple of years, which he recently published in a paperback in 2019 [14]. His study aimed to create a protocol for microdosing magic mushrooms and LSD to eliminate some of the variables with user reporting. He then asked users to submit their anecdotal reports after following his protocol.

Dr. James Fadiman’s magic mushroom microdosing protocol:

  • Dose: 0.4 grams psilocybin mushrooms
  • Dosing Schedule: dose on day one, followed by no dose on days two and three, then repeat for one month

In his published report, Dr. Fadiman found “participant reports suggested that spaced but repeated microdoses were followed by improvements in negative moods, especially depression, and increases in positive moods. Increased energy, improved work effectiveness, and improved health habits were observed in clinical and non-clinical populations.”

He also found that smaller sample sizes reported improvements in other symptoms, including migraine headaches, premenstrual syndrome, traumatic brain injury, and shingles pain.

Psilocin & The Default Mode Network

The default mode network (DMN) is a series of interconnected regions of the brain associated with introspective functions such as internal thought, self-reflection, imagination, memory, and self-criticism. It’s essentially the scientific explanation for what we could call the “ego”.

When we’re sitting idle, the mind will inevitably start to wander — this is the work of the default mode network.

Overactivity of the default mode network is thought to be one of the main contributors to conditions like depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and anxiety. Overactivation of this network can lead to being overly critical of self, excessive, intrusive thoughts, and rigidity in thought processes and opinions. It can lead people to overthink problems or be overly critical of themselves.

Psilocybin and other psychedelics have been shown to reduce the activity of the DMN — while simultaneously increasing the activity of other brain functions. Ruminations and overcritical thinking tend to diminish or disappear. Brain imaging studies have shown this effect produces similar brain patterns experienced during deep states of meditation.

After the trip is complete, the DMN appears to behave more cohesively — which could explain by psychedelics like magic mushrooms are so useful for breaking old habits and addictions and alleviating anxiety and depression.

A recent study explored the brain activity before and after patients took a dose of psilocybin suggested it was able to reset the DMN [1]. This causes the whole network to reconsolidate in a way that’s less rigid.

The psychological flexibility of the DMN has been suggested to be one of the primary mechanisms psychedelics use to reduce psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety [2].

There Are Different Kinds of Magic Mushrooms

The most common species of magic mushrooms, by far, is Psilocybe cubensis.

Within the Psilocybe cubensis species, there are hundreds, if not thousands of magic mushroom strains found all around the world — all of which contain comparable concentrations of psilocybin or psilocin.

However, P. cubensis is far from the only species of mushroom to contain psychoactive doses. Here’s a quick breakdown of the many different kinds of magic mushrooms.

Doses of Magic Mushroom Species

Psilocybe Species Microdose Standard Psychoactive Dose Heroic Dose
Isolated (Pure) Psilocybin/Psilocin 50 – 250 mcg 6 – 18.5 mg >31 mg
Psilocybe cubensis (0.62% Psilocybin) 0.1 – 0.4 grams 1–3 grams 5+ grams
Psilocybe mexicana N/A N/A N/A
Psilocybe azurescens (1.78% psilocybin) <0.01 grams 0.4 – 1.5 grams 2+ grams
Psilocybe semilanceata N/A N/A N/A
Psilocybe weilii (0.61% psilocybin) 0.1 – 0.4 grams 1–3 grams 5+ grams
Psilocybe cyanescens (0.85 % psilocybin) <0.3 grams 0.7 – 2.2 grams 3.5+ grams
Psilocybe baeocystis (0.85 % psilocybin) <0.3 grams 0.7 – 2.2 grams 3.5+ grams
Psilocybe bohemica (1.34% psilocybin) <0.2 grams 0.5 – 1.5 grams 2.5+ grams
Psilocybe tampanensis (0.68 % psilocybin) <0.4 grams 1–3 grams 4.5+ grams

Psilocybe azurescens

Psilocybe azurescens is the most potent known so far. It contains somewhere between 1.8% psilocybin by weight, as well as 0.5

psilocin and 0.5% baeocystin (a close relative of psilocybin).

These mushrooms are rare, but you can find them along the Western coast of North America. They’re especially abundant in wet, coastal regions of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.

Psilocybe baeocystis

Psilocybe baeocystis contains the highest concentration of the related alkaloid — baseocystin, as well as psilocybin.

The common name for these mushrooms is “knobby tops,” — which is in reference to the uneven or disfigured appearance of the mushrooms caps.

Psilocybe cubensis

Psilocybe cubensis is common and can be found on virtually every continent on earth, with the exception of Antarctica. These mushrooms are reliable in their effects and easy to grow at home yourself.

The concentration of psilocybin can vary from 0.6% of the dried weight to 1.2%. The most popular strain available today is Golden Teacher.

Psilocybe cyanescens

Psilocybe cyansecens is common — found on all continents on earth. It’s characterized by its “wavy’ appearance.

Archeologists have found depictions of what appears to be Psilocybe cyanescens on ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The psilocybin content of these mushrooms is around 0.8% by dried weight.

Psilocybe mexicana

This species is famous for being the source Dr. Albert Hofman used to isolate psilocybin and psilocin for the very first time.

As the name implies, Psilocybe mexicana can be found primarily in Mexico and Central America. Locally, these mushrooms are referred to as teonanacatl. Throughout history, depictions of these mushrooms can be found on tombs, ornaments, and religious structures in Mesoamerica.

Psilocybe semilanceata

Psilocybe semilanceata are more commonly referred to as “Liberty Caps.” They can be found abundantly throughout most of North America in pastures and fields.

Unlike Psilocybe cubensis, this species doesn’t tend to grow out of manure.

These mushrooms are the second strongest, with approximately 1.28% psilocybin by dried weight.

Psilocybe weilii

Psilocybe weilii was named after Andrew Weil — a famous natural health specialist who made a lot of contributions to the field of psychotherapy research. He’s known for his regular contributions to High Times magazine and wrote the forward for Paul Stamet’s book — Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World.

The psilocybin content of these mushrooms is moderate at around 0.6%.

Magic Mushroom FAQs

1. Will Magic Mushrooms Make Me Fail A Drug Test?

Magic mushrooms are unlikely to show up on a drug test.

The elimination half-life of the active constituents of psychedelic mushrooms — psilocybin and psilocin — is very short. The vast majority of these compounds are no longer detectable in the blood or urine by the 24-hour mark.

The only test that can detect magic mushroom use more than 24–48 hours after taking them is a hair analysis test. However, hair drug testing is not common these days — especially for routine drug testing.

A hair analysis test may detect the presence of psilocin up to 90 days after it was used.

2. Is It Safe to Take Magic Mushrooms Alone?

Most experts don’t recommend taking magic mushrooms alone. Having a responsible (and trusted) trip sitter nearby is considered one of the pillars of responsible psychedelic use. When you’re under the influence of magic mushrooms, you become more vulnerable to harm (both accidental and malicious intent from others).

With that said, it is possible to trip alone safely. Some of the most famous psychonauts in history discuss the benefits of tripping solo.

If tripping alone, it’s important to pay extra intention to your set and setting. Minimize the chances of something going wrong as much as you can before you take the mushrooms.

3. What’s the Difference Between Psilocybin & Magic Mushrooms?

Psilocybin is the active ingredient in magic mushrooms. It can also be manufactured in a lab or isolated from the natural fungus.

Magic mushrooms contain a combination of psilocybin, psilocin, and baeocystin, which provide the psychoactive effects of the mushroom.

Psilocybin is metabolized to psilocin in the body, which is the primary active ingredient.

Some psychedelic mushrooms, such as the Amanita muscaria mushroom, don’t contain any psilocybin or psilocin and instead use an entirely different set of molecules to provide their psychedelic effects.

4. Is Psilocybin Addictive?

While it’s technically possible to form addictive tendencies around anything, it’s exceptionally rare with magic mushrooms.

First of all, the body forms a tolerance to magic mushrooms almost immediately. If you trip twice in a row, you’ll need a significantly higher dose for the second experience to feel anything at all. By the third or fourth dose, you’d need to take several times the regular dose to feel anything, and eventually, the effects will stop entirely.

Users need to wait about 1–2 weeks after a psychedelic mushroom experience for the tolerance to become reversed. This makes it very difficult to abuse magic mushrooms.

Secondly, there’s no indication that the body forms physical dependence on magic mushrooms, even with repeated use. This means if someone uses magic mushrooms habitually and then suddenly stops, they aren’t going to feel any withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal is one of the primary factors that drive addiction to substances like opiate drugs, cocaine, tobacco, and even caffeine.

Yes, but only in select places.

For example, there are a few palliative care clinics currently operating in Canada that allow the medical use of psilocybin as an end-of-life treatment. They’re used to manage the existential anxiety and dread that follows a terminal diagnosis.

There are also some protocols being developed to use magic mushrooms for other conditions, including PTSD, depression, and addiction.

Magic mushrooms are becoming decriminalized in an increasing number of countries and cities around the world — but this doesn’t mean psilocybin clinics are legal here.

Also see: Psychedelic Directory: Courses, Retreats, Clinics, & Communities.

6. What’s The Difference Between Decriminalization & Legalization?

Decriminalization and legalization both involve a relaxation of existing laws covering a specific substance or activity — but there are some key differences.

Decriminalization refers to the removal of criminal charges for committing a certain crime — but it’s still illegal. When caught in possession of a decriminalized substance, the punishments usually involve confiscation and a fine. These changes are usually implemented to reduce the burden of non-violent drug crimes from clogging up the justice system. It’s also used as a way to prevent people with substance abuse disorders from being able to find effective treatment.

Legalization involves the complete elimination of penalties from using or possessing a substance that was previously prohibited. It also enables the commercial sale of a given substance. There are often restrictions in place for legalized substances.

Sometimes substances are legalized for medical use only (such as marijuanaMDMA, and ketamine), other times the quantities and age limits are regulated.

7. How Much Do Magic Mushrooms Cost?

The cost of magic mushrooms will vary depending on where you live, but in general, a single gram of psychedelic shrooms can range from $7 to $12.

In places where shrooms are legal or decriminalized, they’re usually cheaper, while places with strict regulations tend to be more expensive. This is due to the laws of supply and demand.

Growing magic mushrooms yourself is the cheapest way to source them if you use magic mushrooms often. The initial cost to setup a magic mushroom grow can range from $50 and up depending on how large and technical you want to make it. However, even very cheap setups can produce copious amounts of mushrooms for years to come with minimal maintenance costs.

8. Do Magic Mushrooms Expire?

Yes, magic mushrooms will expire if they aren’t used in time.

Fresh mushrooms have the shortest shelf-life, lasting just a few days if kept in the fridge before going bad.

Dried shrooms will last much longer — up to 12 months before they start to degrade. It’s unlikely for dried shrooms to rot within this amount of time, but the potency will start to drop off significantly after 6 months at room temperature, and about a year in the fridge.

For long-term storage of magic mushrooms, consider keeping them in a vacuum-sealed bag in the freezer, or converting them into psilocybin honey.

9. Can You Smoke Magic Mushrooms?

No, it’s not a good idea to smoke magic mushrooms. Not only will the heat destroy the active constituents (rendering them useless), but they can cause damage and irritation to the lungs.

What Does the Future Look Like For Magic Mushrooms?

As public interest in the use of magic mushrooms continues to grow, there’s a growing push to legalize the use of psilocybin-containing mushrooms for therapeutic use.

There have already been a few cities in the United States that have decriminalized the use of magic mushrooms, as well as the entire state of Oregon.

Other regions around the world are following suit in light of the overwhelmingly positive results being published on the safety and efficacy of magic mushrooms.

Within a few years, it’s likely magic mushrooms will be widely available by the public. Psychotherapy clinics centered around the use of magic mushrooms as therapy are also likely to become more mainstream within the next decade. These clinics are well-suited for treating chronic depression, anxiety, addiction, and existential crises.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

THC Candy – Weed Candy Online

THC Candy – Weed Candy Online

Why Choose Candy with THC instead of Smoking Weed?

Precise THC Dosage

THC candies and gummies are meticulously dosed, making it easy to control your intake and achieve consistent effects. Each piece, whether it’s a lollipop or mints, contains a specific THC content, allowing for a more manageable and predictable experience compared to smoking cannabis.

Discreet and Convenient

Opt for THC candies for a discreet way to consume cannabis without the smoke, odor, or exposure associated with traditional methods. These edible products are perfect for enjoying the benefits of cannabis with convenience and privacy, packaged in portable and secure containers.

Delicious Candy Flavours

Our THC candies are not just effective; they’re irresistibly tasty, too. From sour candies to sweet chocolate bars, and fruity flavors like blueberry and berry, our array of flavors caters to every sweet tooth, making it a deliciously enjoyable experience.

Order High-Quality Edible Products with Deadhead Chemist – The #1 dispensary for Cannabis Candy!

At Deadhead Chemist, we are dedicated to providing an extensive selection of cannabis-infused lollipops, gummies, and chocolates. Each product is crafted with care using the finest cannabis extracts and designed to deliver both potent effects and medicinal benefits.

What Are the Different Weed Candy Doses?

From 1000mg to 40mg of THC per Gummy

Our THC gummies range from low to high doses, suitable for different levels of experience and medicinal purposes. Whether you need 40mg or 1000mg of THC, our edibles provide longer-lasting effects and a dose that fits your individual metabolism and cannabis needs.

Our Other THC Infused Edibles Available Online

Deadhead Chemist has a wide range of THC edibles available online in Canada. In addidition to our edible candies, here a a few popular THC-infused choices:

THC Chocolate

Delve into our decadent THC-infused chocolates, where luxurious cocoa meets high-quality cannabis extracts. These chocolate bars offer an intoxicating experience with a rich array of flavors and cannabinoids.

Weed Gummies

Our selection of weed candies includes more than just gummies. We offer everything from THC-infused gummy worms to gummy bears packed with THC, all crafted to provide a delicious and potent cannabis experience.

Sour THC Candy

For those who prefer a tangy touch, our sour THC candies offer a zesty flavor combined with the benefits of cannabis. These candies are a perfect blend of delicious taste and enjoyable cannabis exposure.

Hard Candy with THC

Savor the slow-release effects of our hard candies, which provide a discreet and longer-lasting way to enjoy THC. These candies are an ideal choice for sustained effects and a controlled experience.

THC Infused Starbursts

Indulge in the dreamy, fruit-flavored experience of our THC-infused Starbursts. These chewy candies mix the nostalgic pleasure of regular candy with the exciting, potent effects of weed candy, all while providing a delightful cannabis-infused treat.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

Why the Dirty Sprite Strain Should Be Your Next Choice

Why the Dirty Sprite Strain Should Be Your Next Choice

Dirty Sprite is a name that resonates deeply within the cannabis community. Known for its potent effects and vibrant flavors, this Sativa-dominant hybrid strain has earned a significant following. Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or a newcomer looking for something exceptional, Dirty Sprite offers a unique experience that stands out. In this blog, we will delve into the rich history, distinct characteristics, and compelling reasons why Dirty Sprite should be your next strain of choice.

Unique Genetics and Origins

Dirty Sprite is a hybrid strain that boasts a unique lineage, combining the best qualities of its parent strains. It’s a cross between Cinderella 99 and Arcata Lemon Wreck, two well-respected strains in the cannabis community. Cinderella 99, often called Cindy 99, is known for its uplifting and euphoric effects, while Arcata Lemon Wreck is celebrated for its intense lemony aroma and strong cerebral high. This genetic pairing results in a hybrid that offers a balanced and robust experience, making Dirty Sprite a standout choice for many users.

Captivating Appearance and Aroma

One of the most striking features of Dirty Sprite is its appearance. The buds are dense and covered in a thick layer of kief, giving them a frosty, crystalline look. The color palette ranges from deep green to lighter shades with hints of purple, accented by bright orange pistils. The aroma of Dirty Sprite is equally captivating, offering a sweet and earthy scent with floral and candy-like notes. This complex and inviting aroma makes Dirty Sprite a favorite among those who appreciate a rich sensory experience.

Flavor Profile: A Delightful Experience

The flavor of Dirty Sprite is as impressive as its aroma. On the inhale, you’ll experience a burst of sweetness reminiscent of candy and fruit, while the exhale reveals deeper, more complex flavors of pine and floral notes. This dynamic flavor profile makes each session an enjoyable and memorable experience. Compared to other strains, Dirty Sprite’s balanced and layered flavors set it apart, providing a more nuanced and satisfying experience for users.

Potency and Effects: Perfect Balance

Dirty Sprite is known for its high THC content, typically ranging between 20-22%, making it a potent strain suitable for experienced users. The effects of Dirty Sprite are balanced and multifaceted. Users report a euphoric and happy high that begins with a cerebral rush, promoting creativity and uplifted moods. As the high progresses, it brings about a sense of relaxation and calm without causing significant sedation, making it ideal for daytime use. Despite its low CBD content, Dirty Sprite offers several medicinal benefits, helping with pain relief, anxiety reduction, and stress management.

Growing Dirty Sprite: Tips for Success

Growing Dirty Sprite requires some level of expertise, as it thrives best in controlled environments where temperature, humidity, and light can be carefully managed. The strain prefers a warm, Mediterranean climate with plenty of sunlight. Regular pruning and maintenance are essential to ensure healthy growth and to maximize yield. While Dirty Sprite can be grown both indoors and outdoors, indoor cultivation allows for better control over environmental factors, leading to higher quality buds. Outdoor growing can yield larger plants and potentially higher overall yield, but the quality may vary based on external conditions like weather and pests.

User Experiences and Testimonials

Users of Dirty Sprite have shared overwhelmingly positive experiences. Many appreciate its balanced effects and enjoyable flavors. One user mentioned, “This is a great sativa, smooth and potent. My only regret is I didn’t get 2 ozs.” The general sentiment in online cannabis communities is that Dirty Sprite enhances mood and creativity while providing a relaxed state without causing lethargy. Its effectiveness in managing stress and anxiety makes it a popular choice for both recreational and medicinal users.

Availability and Purchasing Tips

For those looking to purchase Dirty Sprite, Crystal Cloud 9 is the go-to destination. As a leading online cannabis store in Canada, Crystal Cloud 9 offers a wide selection of high-quality cannabis products, including Dirty Sprite. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction ensures that you get the best product every time. With their easy-to-navigate website and secure payment options, purchasing your favorite strains has never been simpler. Crystal Cloud 9 provides detailed product descriptions and lab results to guarantee the authenticity and potency of their products.

The cost of Dirty Sprite can vary based on location and quality, but it typically ranges from $70 to $120, depending on the quantity. Crystal Cloud 9 offers competitive pricing and regular discounts, making it accessible for both regular users and those looking to try it for the first time. When purchasing Dirty Sprite from Crystal Cloud 9, you can be assured of the highest quality. Look for buds that are dense, sticky, and covered in trichomes. A strong, fragrant aroma is also a good indicator of quality. Crystal Cloud 9 provides lab results to ensure the product’s authenticity and potency, giving you peace of mind with every purchase.


Dirty Sprite stands out as a strain worth trying due to its potent effects, rich flavors, and medical benefits. Its unique combination of genetics, appearance, and user experiences make it a favorite among cannabis enthusiasts. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, pain relief, or a euphoric high, Dirty Sprite delivers on all fronts. Its well-balanced effects and delightful flavor profile make it a strain that deserves a place in your cannabis rotation. Have you tried Dirty Sprite? Share your experiences in the comments below and let others know what you think. If you haven’t, visit Crystal Cloud 9 to get your hands on this remarkable strain.

Additional Resources

For more information on cannabis strains, check out our other blog posts on the latest and greatest in the cannabis world. If you enjoyed Dirty Sprite, you might also like strains such as Unicorn Poop Strain, Orange Push Pop strain, and Blueberry Yum Yum strain. Each offers a unique experience that complements the characteristics of Dirty Sprite.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

The Top 5 Benefits of Consuming Magic Mushrooms

The Top 5 Benefits of Consuming Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, have been used for centuries for their psychedelic properties and therapeutic benefits. These fascinating fungi contain a naturally occurring compound called psilocybin, responsible for their mind-altering effects. There has been a growing interest in the potential benefits of consuming magic mushrooms in recent years. In this blog, we will explore the various advantages of incorporating magic mushrooms into your wellness routine.

1. The Therapeutic Potential of Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushrooms have gained attention for their potential therapeutic applications. Research suggests that psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, may profoundly affect mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Studies have shown that psilocybin-assisted therapy can provide long-lasting relief from these conditions when used in a controlled and supervised setting. This has led to an increased interest in the potential of magic mushrooms as a treatment option.

2. Enhancing Creativity and Cognitive Function

Enhancing Creativity and Cognitive Function

Many individuals report enhanced creativity and cognitive function after consuming magic mushrooms. Psilocybin has been shown to increase connectivity in the brain, leading to a more fluid thought process and improved problem-solving abilities. Users often describe a heightened sense of insight, inspiration, and imaginative thinking. These effects make magic mushrooms popular among artists, musicians, and individuals seeking to expand their creative potential.

3. Spiritual and Personal Growth

Spiritual and Personal Growth

Magic mushrooms have a long history of use in spiritual and religious practices. The psychedelic experience induced by psilocybin can be deeply introspective and transformative. Many users report profound spiritual experiences, interconnectedness, and a sense of unity with the universe. These experiences can lead to personal growth, self-reflection, and a broader perspective on life, making magic mushrooms a tool for spiritual exploration and self-discovery.

4. Alleviating Depression and Anxiety

Studies have shown promising results in using magic mushrooms to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. The psychedelic experience facilitated by psilocybin can help individuals break free from negative thought patterns and gain a new perspective on their lives. Magic mushrooms have been reported to induce joy, peace, and emotional openness, providing temporary relief from depressive and anxious symptoms. However, it’s important to note that magic mushrooms should only be consumed under the guidance of a trained professional in therapeutic settings.

5. Promoting Mindfulness and Well-being

Promoting Mindfulness and Well-being

Magic mushrooms have the potential to enhance mindfulness and overall well-being. The altered state of consciousness induced by psilocybin can bring individuals into the present moment, allowing them to cultivate a deep sense of awareness and mindfulness. This heightened consciousness can lead to increased self-acceptance, reduced stress, and improved well-being.

Buying Magic Mushrooms in Australia

Blue Angel Magic Mushrooms

When you buy magic mushrooms in Asutralia, a few options are available to ensure a safe and reliable experience. Let’s explore these options:

  • Licensed Magic Mushroom Dispensaries: Licensed magic mushroom dispensaries provide a regulated environment for purchasing magic mushrooms. These dispensaries operate within the legal framework, ensuring product quality, safety, and adherence to strict guidelines. They offer a wide selection of magic mushroom strains, including dried mushrooms, capsules, edibles, and microdose products. Licensed dispensaries also have knowledgeable staff who can guide dosage and usage.
  • Online Magic Mushroom Retailers: The option to buy magic mushrooms online has become increasingly popular in Asutralia. Online retailers offer a convenient and discreet way to purchase magic mushrooms from the comfort of your own home. These retailers typically provide a wide variety of strains, product formats, and dosage options. Choosing reputable online retailers that prioritize product quality, secure packaging, and discreet shipping methods is important. Look for customer reviews, third-party lab testing, and transparent information about the sourcing and cultivation of their mushrooms.
  • Local Community and Events: In some areas, local communities and events may provide access to magic mushrooms. These platforms facilitate connections between growers, enthusiasts, and consumers, creating a network where individuals can share their experiences and exchange products. Participating in these communities can provide opportunities to connect with knowledgeable individuals, learn about different strains, and find trusted sources for magic mushrooms.

The Importance of Responsible Consumption

While magic mushrooms offer potential benefits, it’s crucial to approach their consumption responsibly. Here are some key considerations:

  • Dosage: Start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed. Different strains and individuals may have varying potency levels, so you must familiarize yourself with your specific strain.
  • Set and Setting: Create a safe and comfortable environment for your psychedelic experience. Consider factors such as lighting, music, and the presence of trusted individuals who can provide support if needed.
  • Intention and Mindset: Approach your magic mushroom experience with a clear purpose and positive mindset. Cultivate an open and receptive attitude to maximize the potential therapeutic benefits.
  • Integration and Reflection: After your experience, take time to integrate and reflect on the insights and emotions that arise. Journaling, meditation, or discussing your experience with a trusted friend or professional can be valuable for integration.

Magic mushrooms offer a range of potential benefits, including therapeutic applications, enhanced creativity, spiritual exploration, and improved well-being. However, it’s important to approach their use cautiously and respectfully, ensuring you consume them responsibly and by local laws and regulations. To explore magic mushroom benefits, seek professional guidance and consider the option to buy magic mushrooms online in Asutralia. Incorporate these fascinating fungi into your wellness routine and unlock their transformative potential.

Always prioritize your safety and consult healthcare professionals before consuming magic mushrooms or psychedelic substances.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

A Guide to the Most Popular Cannabis Products on the Market

A Guide to the Most Popular Cannabis Products on the Market

Introduction to the World of Cannabis Products

Cannabis has gained immense popularity recently, with a wide range of products hitting the market. Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis connoisseur or a curious newcomer, this comprehensive guide will introduce you to the most popular cannabis products and help you navigate the vast selection available.

Understanding Different Cannabis Types and Strains

Before diving into specific products, it’s essential to understand the different types of cannabis and strains. Cannabis is typically categorized into three types: Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid. Sativa strains provide uplifting effects, Indica strains offer relaxation and pain relief, while Hybrid strains combine both characteristics. Knowing the differences can help you choose products that align with your desired effects.

Exploring CBD Products for Therapeutic Benefits

Full Spectrum CBD Mixed Fruit Gummies 250mg

CBD, or cannabidiol, has gained significant attention for its potential therapeutic benefits without the psychoactive effects of THC. CBD products come in various forms, including oils, tinctures, capsules, topicals, and edibles. These products are known for their potential to alleviate pain, reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and promote overall well-being.

Unleashing the Power of THC with Cannabis Flower

Cannabis flower, also known as bud or marijuana, remains one of the most traditional and widely consumed forms of cannabis. With numerous strains and flavours available, cannabis flower offers a range of effects from euphoria and relaxation to creativity and focus. It can be smoked, vaporized, or used to create homemade edibles and concentrates.

Enhancing the Experience with Cannabis Concentrates

Cannabis concentrates are highly potent products that offer a concentrated form of THC or CBD. These products are made by extracting cannabinoids and terpenes from the cannabis plant, producing a more potent and refined substance. Popular types of concentrates include shatter, wax, budder, and oils. They are typically vaporized or dabbed for an intense and immediate effect.

Exploring the Power of Shatter

Death Bubba Shatter

One cannabis concentrate that has gained popularity among enthusiasts is shatter. Shatter is a translucent, glass-like concentrate known for its high potency and purity. It is made by extracting cannabinoids and terpenes from the cannabis plant using solvents, producing a concentrated form of THC or CBD.

Shatter gets its name from its brittle texture, which shatters easily when handled. This concentrate offers a clean and intense experience, with effects that can be felt almost immediately. Many users appreciate shatter for its full high and therapeutic benefits.

If you’re looking to buy bulk shatter Canada, reputable online dispensaries offer a wide selection. Buying shatter online provides convenience and access to various strains and brands. You can explore different options, read product descriptions and reviews, and choose the ones that suit your preferences.

When you buy shatter online, it’s crucial to ensure that you buy from a trusted source. Look for online dispensaries with a solid reputation, positive customer reviews, and transparent product lab testing. This will help guarantee the quality and safety of the shatter you’re buying.

Whether you’re an experienced user or new to shatter, starting with a low dose is essential, and gradually increasing it as needed. Due to its high potency, shatter should be consumed with caution. Many users enjoy dabbing, a method of vaporizing the concentrate using a dab rig or vape pen specifically designed for concentrates. Dabbing provides a rich and flavorful experience.

Delighting Your Taste Buds with Cannabis Edibles

Cannabis edibles have revolutionized the way people consume cannabis. From gummies and chocolates to infused beverages and baked goods, edibles offer a convenient and tasty option for cannabis enthusiasts. It’s essential to start with a low dose and allow ample time for the effects to kick in, as edibles have a delayed onset compared to other consumption methods.

Harnessing the Potential of Cannabis Topicals

Harnessing the Potential of Cannabis Topicals

Cannabis topicals are products infused with cannabinoids that are designed to be applied externally to the skin. They come in various forms, such as lotions, creams, balms, and transdermal patches. These topicals are primarily used for localized relief, such as reducing pain, inflammation, and muscle soreness, without causing psychoactive effects.

Diving into the World of Cannabis Vape Products

Bonafide Gorilla Glue #4

Vaping cannabis has become increasingly popular due to its convenience and discreetness. Cannabis vape products come in cartridges, pens, and pods that vaporize concentrated cannabis oil. They offer a smoke-free alternative for inhaling cannabinoids and provide quick-onset effects.

Choosing the Best Cannabis Products for Your Needs

With the abundance of cannabis products available, selecting the best ones can be overwhelming. Consider desired effects, potency, consumption method, and personal preferences. Reading product reviews, consulting with budtenders, and conducting thorough research will help you make informed decisions and find the cannabis products that suit your needs.

Final Thoughts on the Best Cannabis Products

As the cannabis market continues to evolve, the range of products keeps expanding. From CBD oils for therapeutic benefits to cannabis flowers, concentrates, edibles, topicals, and vape products, there is something for everyone. Remember to start with low doses, understand the potency, and choose products from reputable brands to ensure quality and safety.

Explore the world of cannabis and find the best cannabis products that enhance your lifestyle and well-being. Whether you’re looking for relaxation, pain relief, creativity, or overall wellness, the market offers many options to cater to your needs.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

How to Store Magic Mushrooms Properly

How to Store Magic Mushrooms Properly

Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, have been used for centuries for their therapeutic and spiritual effects. With their recent legalization in some parts of the world, more people can now access them for their potential health benefits. However, storing magic mushrooms is crucial to preserve their potency and ensure they are safe to consume. In this article, we will provide tips on how to keep magic mushrooms properly, whether you buy them online or you buy them online or from a dispensary near you.

Buy Magic Mushrooms Online

Shop Yeti Magic Mushrooms Online Canada | Crystal Cloud 9

One of the easiest ways to purchase magic mushrooms is through an online store. Many reputable online stores sell magic mushrooms in Canada. When buying magic mushrooms online, choosing a licensed store that follows proper cultivation, harvesting, and distribution protocols is crucial. Check for certifications and read reviews from previous customers to ensure you’re buying from a reputable source.

Knowing the strain and dosage of the magic mushrooms is also essential when buying online. Different strains have different potency and effects, so choose the one that’s right for you. The dosage can vary depending on your experience and the intended use. Start with a low dose and gradually increase it as you become more familiar with their effects.

Buying Magic Mushrooms from a Dispensary Near You

Buying Magic Mushrooms from a Dispensary Near You

If you prefer to buy magic mushrooms by searching “magic mushroom dispensary near me,” choosing a reputable source is important. Look for a dispensary that follows proper protocols for cultivating, harvesting, and distributing magic mushrooms. Check for certifications and read reviews from previous customers to ensure you’re buying from a trusted source.

Knowing the strain and dosage of the magic mushrooms is also beneficial when buying from a dispensary. Ask the staff about the effects and potency of different strains and choose the one that’s right for you. It’s also important to know how to consume them safely and start with a low dose to gauge your tolerance.

Storing Magic Mushrooms Properly 

Storing Magic Mushrooms Properly 

Once you’ve purchased your magic mushrooms online in Australia, storing them is essential to ensure their potency and freshness. Here are some tips to help you keep your magic mushrooms properly:

  1. Keep Them Dry – Moisture can cause magic mushrooms to become mouldy or lose their potency. Make sure the packaging is completely dry before storing them.]
  2. Store Them Separately – If you have different strains of magic mushrooms, it is best to store them separately to avoid cross-contamination. Use separate containers and label them accordingly.
  3. Use an Airtight Container – If the packaging is not airtight, transfer the magic mushrooms to an airtight container. Use a glass jar or a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid.
  4. Store in a Cool, Dark Place – Exposure to heat and light can also cause magic mushrooms to lose their potency. Store them in a cool, dark place such as a pantry, cupboard, or drawer.
  5. Avoid Freezing – While some people may suggest freezing magic mushrooms to preserve their potency, this is not recommended. Freezing can damage the cell walls of the mushrooms and cause them to lose strength or become mushy.
  6. Consider the Humidity Level – If you live in a humid environment, you may need to take additional precautions to prevent moisture from affecting your magic mushrooms. Consider using a dehumidifier in the storage area or storing them in airtight containers with desiccants.
  7. Label the Container – Make sure to label the container with the strain and date of purchase. Keeping a label will help you keep track of the potency and freshness of your magic mushrooms.
  8. Avoid Exposure to Strong Smells – Magic mushrooms can absorb strong odours, affecting their taste and smell. Avoid storing them near strong-smelling foods or substances such as spices, cleaning products, or perfumes.
  9. Handle Them Gently – Magic mushrooms can be fragile and easily damaged. Handle them gently to avoid bruising or breaking them, which can cause them to lose potency.
  10. Check Them Regularly – Check your magic mushrooms for signs of mould or spoilage. If you notice any discoloration, unusual smell, or sliminess, discard them immediately.

In summary, storing magic mushrooms with these tips is crucial to preserve their potency and ensure they are safe to consume. Whether you buy them online or from a dispensary near you, choose a reputable source and know the strain and dosage information.

Keep them dry, use an airtight container, store them in a cool, dark place, use desiccants, label the container, handle them gently, and use them within a reasonable time frame. With these tips, you can enjoy the benefits of magic mushrooms while ensuring their potency and freshness.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

Need a Good Night’s Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

Need a Good Night’s Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

Lack of sleep can have significant negative health consequences, but there are plenty of ways to get a good night’s sleep if you’re struggling to do so. That includes incorporating cannabis into your routine, which, while it may not seem logical at first glance, can help you get the rest you need.
Cannabinoids are a class of chemical compounds found in marijuana and cannabis. They interact with the chemicals in the body that regulate sleep, appetite, pain, relaxation, and other processes. Simply, the chemical makeup of marijuana helps the biological system do crucial tasks. In fact, there are numerous sleeping medicines made from cannabis, including Nabilone, Marinol, and Dronabinol.
The key is finding the best cannabis strains that will help you fall asleep and stay that way all night long.

Green Crack

Untitled 3 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

In addition to its calming effects, Green Crack also has pain relieving properties that are great for people who suffer from chronic pain or insomnia. Its sativa high is perfect for daytime use and can help with mood swings and depression. While it may not be the best choice if you have trouble falling asleep, this strain is good at helping you sleep more soundly through the night.


Untitled 4 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

You may have heard of strains that can help you sleep like indica and hybrid strains. But what about sativa strains? Sativas are often thought to be more energizing, so it might be difficult to imagine them as a good choice for sleep. However, there are some potent sativa strains that can help with insomnia and promote relaxation, making them perfect for use at night.


Purple Kush

Untitled 5 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains


This is an indica-dominant hybrid strain with 15% THC content. It has a mellow, relaxing effect that leaves the user feeling euphoric and sleepy. This strain works well for people who need help falling asleep or sleeping through the night. For patients suffering from anxiety or depression, this strain can be especially helpful at easing symptoms.

Sour Diesel:

Untitled 6 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

The high in this potent sativa is uplifting and clearheaded – making it perfect for daytime use when you want to remain focused and active.

Super Lemon Haze:

Untitled 7 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

The Super Lemon Haze strain is one of the most popular strains and for good reason. This sativa dominant hybrid is known to be uplifting, energetic, and euphoric. It also has medicinal properties that are great for pain relief and insomnia.

Jack Herer:

Untitled 8 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

If you’re in the market for a cannabis strain that will knock you out, Jack Herer is the perfect choice. This sweet-smelling sativa is an excellent nighttime strain for those looking to relax and fall asleep. It has an energizing effect so won’t leave you feeling lethargic or tired. If you need something a little more mellow, try Granddaddy Purple instead.

Granddaddy Purple

Untitled 9 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

This indica-dominant strain is named for its grape-purple buds that look like grapes. Granddaddy Purple, or GDP for short, offers deeply relaxing effects and an earthy aroma. This strain can help you sleep peacefully and avoid restless nights.  The chemical properties in this strain are high in myrcene terpenes which are known to promote relaxation and calmness.

Grand Daddy Purp has a strong body stone with very little cerebral stimulation so it may be better suited for nighttime use.

Despite the heavy body stone, this strain does not cause feelings of laziness. Rather, it encourages deep relaxation.

Northern Lights:

Untitled 10 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

A hybrid strain with high levels of THC and low levels of CBD, Northern Lights is one of the most famous strains for inducing sleep. A cross between Afghani and Thai varieties, Northern Lights often has an earthy smell with sweet undertones. It can also be found in different variations that include Blueberry Northern Lights or Durban Poison Northern Lights.

The Bottom Line:

If you’re an insomniac, using cannabis to fall asleep can seem like a dream come true. Cannabis strains rich in THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, can be an effective way to induce drowsiness and help you sleep more soundly at night – but it’s not the only way. Certain cannabis strains are also rich in cannabidiol (CBD), which can have calming effects on the body while preventing you from getting high, so they can be helpful whether you have trouble sleeping because of anxiety or insomnia.

However, whether you are looking to buy weed online in Australia or at any physical store in the country, make sure to buy from the approved vendor.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

Why I am Not Getting High Anymore

Why I am Not Getting High Anymore

Every wonder why you are not achieving the state of high with your cannabis like you used to have before? May be you are buying a poor quality of weed. May be you are doing it wrong.

In this article, we will walk through such reasons to find out why you are not getting high anymore. Let’s get started.

Is This Weed or What?

Take a close look at the tobacco you’re smoking and how you’re smoking it before anything else. Are you a strict cannabis user? Do you fill your blunts, bongs, and joints only with freshly ground marijuana? The fact that many marijuana users combine their flower with a variety of different fillers, such as various types of herbs and tobacco, may then come as a surprise to you. While doing so extends the life of a cache and adds a marginally distinct effect, it can also interfere with your high. Make sure you put in enough marijuana while rolling joints if you use a lot of tobacco to get a noticeable high.

You must make sure that the marijuana you are consuming is, in fact, marijuana. Contrary to popular belief, con artists, or as they are also called, oregano salesman, frequently emerge from the underworld.

Are You Smoking Stems or Leaves?

In jurisdictions where the possession, purchasing, and cultivation of marijuana are now legal or at least decriminalized, millions of marijuana users presently reside. Well done to them. However, millions of people are still trapped in the past. If you don’t produce your own cannabis, you will have to purchase it from dealers and poor growers (and risk going to prison for doing so).

Without a doubt, some cannabis sold on the underground market works. Some cultivators have raised their level to create big, juicy buds utilizing an organic method because they sincerely aim for quality. Others, on the other hand, are more interested in getting rich quick than they are in expanding. Bad weed and heavy sacks comprised of leaves and stems are the result of this. Although there may be some terpenes and cannabinoids in these plant components, they are far less abundant than buds.

The Age of Your Weed:

How old, exactly, is the marijuana you’re puffing? When stored in bad circumstances from the start, the chemical components in cannabis decay faster the longer they are exposed to air, extreme temperatures, and light. You can experience a very little psychoactive impact that isn’t as euphoric or strong as usual if you’re smoking weed that is fairly old. This is primarily because the majority of the THC has converted to CBN, which doesn’t produce the normal high associated with cannabis.

How about poor hash? It might be difficult to find high-quality hash, especially when buying it on the illicit market. Beeswax, solvents, and even coffee are examples of additives used in certain products that have a bad taste and reduce the euphoric effects intended by lowering the proportion of cannabinoids.

The Quality of THC:

Each strain’s unique cannabinoid profile serves as the basis for its possible benefits. THC-rich buds give off a traditional high that causes euphoria, munchies, laughs, and good times. However, not all strains contain enough THC to cause intoxication. Modern cannabis breeding has produced strains with astronomically high CBD content and nearly no THC at all. These buds have the exact same appearance as ones that contain THC, but they won’t make you high. Other strains have an equal amount of each cannabinoid. These will give you a mild high, however the effects of CBD will partially neutralise the euphoric effects of THC.

The Frequency of Smoking:

You probably need to smoke more if you’re new to cannabis and you’re not baking. That is very tragic! THC in little dosages has a modest effect, but you may need more of the cannabinoid to get that real, authentic high.

Roll larger joints, choose THC-rich strains, and use a bong bowl rather than a spliff to consume your cannabis. Although you don’t have to go all out, you can start by smoking the same quantity as usual and then push the envelope a little to avoid having a negative experience.

When the Art of Inhaling Goes Wrong:

If you can’t get high, you might need to improve your marijuana smoking technique. Do you recall how sleazy Bill Clinton claimed he smoked marijuana but “didn’t inhale”? Don’t do that, I repeat. Many inexperienced marijuana users have complained that joints “simply don’t get them high,” but if you smoke them correctly, joints may truly burn you.

Smoke should be inhaled into your mouth and then farther into your lungs; this will allow the cannabinoids to reach your alveoli and quickly enter your bloodstream.

A beginner might feel it difficult and unpleasant at first, however, the more you do it, the more yuour body deal with the warning signs and realise it is about tog get treated to a dose of THC.

When Stress Comes between You and Your Euphoria:

euphoria Why I am Not Getting High Anymore

Stress has surprising effects on the psyche. Many of the physiological and psychological effects of stress are well-understood by science, but there is still much that is unknown. We are aware that stress alters hormone production in the body, causes tension, and skyrockets cortisol and adrenaline levels. Weak effects from marijuana can result from changes in our baseline condition brought on by deadlines, bills, and personal difficulties.

Try to relax. Before you light up, take a stroll or a brisk run to release your own happy endocannabinoids. Pre-joint meditation can help you unwind and reduce tension. Aim for 10 minutes. Alternately, have a conversation. Take a seat with a handful of your closest pals, share a joint, and let go of your emotional burden.

You are Just too Full:

You will be familiar with how strong THC strikes if you have ever smoked a lot of marijuana on an empty stomach while your blood sugar levels are dropping. Contrarily, consuming too much food might lessen the effects of the cannabis high. As a result, seasoned users sometimes eat a substantial meal before engaging in heavy smoking to reduce the likelihood of passing out.

Before getting high, eat something, but choose something light. Choose a low-carb snack or dinner; a protein source and a side of vegetables will provide your body with nutrients without significantly raising blood sugar levels.

We hope that you must have got your answer why you are not getting high anymore. It boils down to key things like buying quality weed and learning the right ways to consume it. What do you think? Let us know by commenting below!

Magic Mushrooms

Buy Magic Mushrooms Australia

Buy Magic Mushrooms Australia

Buy Magic Mushrooms Australia The origin of the Golden Teacher is not known but its rumoured to have been discovered growing in a pile of dung and straw on a horse ranch in Georgia. The name comes from the admirable golden colour of the caps and and so-called teaching capacities. Golden Teachers are a great choice for first time trippers as they are known to provide a euphoric, blissful experience.
Golden Teacher is the strain that’s become the gold standard when it comes to magic mushrooms. This incredible strain is perfect for psychonauts of all experience levels and even those who have none.Buy Magic Mushrooms online Australia

Magic Mushrooms for sale

That’s because Golden Teacher magic mushrooms have some of the most incredible effects of any strain on the market. Golden Teacher will undoubtedly teach you something profound and potentially life-changing.

Where to buy Magic Mushrooms Australia

Like many magic mushroom strains, the history of Golden Teacher remains a bit of a mystery. What is known is that Golden Teacher magic mushrooms have been around since at least the 1980s.

The story goes that somebody found them somewhere in Florida and started to culture them.

Buy Magic Mushrooms Australia

There’s talk online that Golden Teacher is actually a PES Hawaiian strain but renamed by another grower. Apparently, the grower noticed that the Golden Teacher magic mushrooms had a slightly different look to others he grew because they had a golden-yellowish colored cap.

We may never know which story is actually true, but at this point, it doesn’t really matter. We’re just happy that Golden Teacher magic mushrooms exist because these shrooms have changed the game forever.

How to Dose Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms

The great thing about Golden Teacher is that they’re incredibly simple to dose. They have about average potency, so a P. cubensis dosing chart like this one will help guide you:

.25 grams (g) for a threshold dose (should feel something)
.25-1g for a light dose (recreational dose)
1-2.5g for a medium dose (recreational dose)
5-5g for a strong dose (recreational to spiritual dose)
5g for a heavy dose (spiritual dose)

You can take 1-2 grams just to test out the waters if you’re a first-time user. Experienced psychonauts will be able to take over two grams with no problems.

If you’re going on a spiritual journey, then you’ll need to take a strong dose or even a heavy one, but remember to be prepared before taking a lot.
Taking Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms Spiritually
If you want to go on a spiritual journey, then Golden Teacher magic mushrooms will take you on one. These humble magic mushrooms have a lot to teach us, but they can only do so under the right conditions.
That means that you have to prepare the class so that Golden Teacher can do its job effectively. What that means is that you need to take care of both the set and the setting.

The set refers to your mindset, and you’ll want to have it as clear and open as possible. While that sounds difficult, there are a few simple things you can do.

First, it’s best to have your schedule clear and your obligations taken care of. Turn off your phone and spend the day as relaxed as you can, without anyone bothering you.

Of course, it’s hard to turn our brains off, but you’ll need to try to keep your mind free.

The next thing you need to think of is the setting or the place you’ll trip at. Most people opt to do it at home, but it can be anywhere that’s safe, comfortable, and familiar.

Remember that other people are part of the setting, and ideally, you want to have only one person with you. That person is known as the trip-sitter, and they can help you in case you hit some rough patches.

Once set and setting are taken care of, Golden Teachers will be able to start their lesson. All you need to do is take a hefty dose and let go.

Aussie Discreet Store is the best place to buy magic mushrooms online to also have magic mushrooms for sale online discretely to your location. Buying magic mushrooms for sale online is a hallucinogen that works by stimulating serotonin receptors, most commonly in the prefrontal cortex.

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