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Australia Green-Lights MDMA

Australia Green-Lights MDMA, Psilocybin for Treatment of PTSD & Depression

The Road to Medical Approval for MDMA, Psilocybin

In September 2020, Mind Medicine Australia (MMA) led the way in an effort by psychiatrists, psychologists, pharmacologists, researchers, and other medical practitioners to have the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) reschedule MDMA and psilocybin for medical use.

Mind Medicine Australia is a registered charity whose mission is “to help alleviate the suffering and suicides caused by mental illness in Australia through expanding the treatment options available to medical practitioners and their patients.”

The changes proposed by the MMA application do not address the recreational use of the drugs.

MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) is a central nervous system stimulant that causes the release of dopamine, the brain chemical associated with pleasure and reward. MDMA-assisted psychotherapy has proven to be effective in treating patients with PTSD [1].

Psilocybin, the psychoactive agent in “magic mushrooms, is a naturally-occurring compound found in over 200 species of plants, fungi, and some animals. Clinical trials have shown it to be effective in treating major depression.

Reschedule Would Be for Medical Use Only

At the time of the first MMA application, MDMA and psilocybin were Schedule 9 drugs.

In Australia, Schedule 9 drugs are “substances and preparations which, by law, may only be used for research purposes. The sale, distribution, use, and manufacture of such substances are strictly prohibited under the law.”

The purpose of the MMA application was to have the TGA reschedule MDMA and psilocybin from Schedule 9 to Schedule 8 on Australia’s Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (SUSMP). This rescheduling would classify them as “controlled substances.”

The TGA definition of a controlled substance is: “Medicines or chemicals which have special rules for producing, supplying, distributing, owning and using them. These medicines may only be prescribed by an authorized healthcare professional who will need a special prescribing permit.”

According to MMA, the rescheduling would allow psychiatrists and addiction specialists to “more easily access these medicines to augment therapy for patients suffering from key mental illnesses such as depression and PTSD.”

The rescheduling of these medicines will help to expand the treatment paradigm for mental illnesses in this country,” said Peter Hunt, Chairman of MMA and a member of the Order of Australia.

TGA Rejects Application

Despite over 1,000 submissions of support — and only 22 in opposition — by the public and professionals alike, in December 2021, the TGA rejected the application to reschedule MDMA and psilocybin.

The following reasons were given for the refusal to move them from Schedule 9 to Schedule 8:

1. Psilocybin poses a “high danger for both acute and long-term effects if abused or misused outside of strictly controlled medical and scientific research settings.”

2. The “poor quality” of the studies cited in the application.

3. Although the research is promising, either drug’s “therapeutic value” has not been established.

4. The limited evidence of the benefit of the drugs is outweighed by the risks to patients and the general public from the increased availability of MDMA and psilocybin that would come with rescheduling them.

In its rejection of the application, the TGA did acknowledge that “MDMA and psilocybin may show promise in highly selected populations but only where these medicines are administered in closely clinically supervised settings and with intensive professional support.”

Rejection Only a Setback, Not a Defeat

Mind Medicine Australia (MMA) Chairman Peter Hunt says his group was very disappointed with the rejection. He said what was particularly upsetting was that a TGA Independent Expert Panel “had come back very clearly and said, on the basis of the clinical evidence from psilocybin and MDMA-assisted therapy trials, that they are safe, and they are showing high efficacy rates when they are done in medically controlled environments.”

Overwhelming Support, Concessions Highlight Second Effort

Hunt’s group wasted no time resubmitting its rescheduling application to the TGA. The application, submitted in March 2022, had the support of nearly 75% of the country.

In addition to the overwhelming support, the new application directly addressed issues raised in the TGA rejection in December 2021. Hunt said that the issues raised by the TGA had been carefully noted. “In particular, we are applying for a much more restrictive rescheduling of these substances when used in conjunction with psychotherapy in medically controlled environments,” he said.

Executive Director of MMA Tania de Jong AM echoed the chairman’s sentiment about the restrictive nature of the rescheduling application. “We have deliberately made access to these therapies highly restrictive so that we can give the TGA and the Delegate comfort that these therapies will only be used safely and effectively in controlled environments and all risks can be properly managed,” she said.

TGA Reverses Decision, Legalizes MDMA & Psilocybin

When MMA submitted its initial application to reschedule MDMA and psilocybin for medical use in September 2020, the TGA received just over 1,000 submissions supporting the application. When MMA resubmitted it in March 2022,  the TGA received almost 7,000 responses, nearly 75% supporting the application.

In February 2023, the TGA declared that “the Delegate has made final decisions to vary the interim decisions and amend the current Poisons Standard in relation to both psilocybin and MDMA.”

According to the TGA delegate, a senior medical officer, rescheduling the drugs will “allow expanded access to the substances outside of clinical trials…The benefits to patients and public health of my final decisions will therefore outweigh the risks.”

Medical Use Restricted To PTSD, Treatment-Resistant Depression

The TGA decision is very specific about the drugs rescheduled and their use. The only drugs rescheduled are MDMA and psilocybin. MDMA is to be used only for treating PTSD, and psilocybin is to be administered only for treatment-resistant depression.

Prescriptions & Treatment Will Be Strictly Controlled

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has levied strict guidelines governing who can provide treatment and prescribe the medication when MDMA and psilocybin become legal for medical use in July 2023.

According to the TGA declaration, only psychiatrists with “specialized qualifications and expertise”  in diagnosing and treating patients with serious mental health issues using therapies that are “not yet well established” will be allowed to treat patients with MDMA and psilocybin.

These psychiatrists will also have to be approved under the Authorized Prescriber Scheme by the TGA following approval by a human research ethics committee. The Authorized Prescriber Scheme allows authorized medical practitioners “to prescribe medications that are not included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods to patients with specific medical conditions.” Very few of the less than 4,000 psychiatrists in the entire country qualify to administer the medications.

Steve McDonald, the co-founder of Psychedelic Research in Science and Medicine (PRISM), says the training will be a key issue since only a “very small handful” of psychiatrists currently train as psychedelic therapists.

McDonald also expressed concern over the lack of a curriculum model for training psychiatric therapists. “We’re trusting that the TGA will work with the industry and those who have the expertise to put all those pieces in place,” he said.

Who Will Be Eligible for Treatment?

The guidelines for receiving MDMA and psilocybin therapy are about as restrictive as the guidelines for administering it. According to the TGA, MDMA and psilocybin treatment for PTSD and depression will only be available to people with a verifiable history of other treatment options that have failed to improve their disorder.

Cost Could Be A “Serious Factor”

Professor Ian Hickie, Co-Director of Health and Policy at The University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre, says that cost will be a “serious factor” for patients seeking MDMA and psilocybin therapy. “There’s a whole expensive therapeutic environment required,” Hickie said.

In Australia, depending on the treatment, psychiatrists are not covered or are only partially covered under the country’s Medicare program. A therapy session can cost from $200 to $600 per visit. A course of treatment could require several visits, so the out-of-pocket cost could be prohibitively expensive for some patients.

Proceed With Caution

Most medical and academic professionals in the country welcome the TGA’s decision to down-schedule MDMA and psilocybin.

However, Professor Susan Rossell, a cognitive neuropsychologist who has led Australia’s most extensive trial studying psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression, says she has some concerns about the decision. “These treatments are not well established at all for a sufficient level of broad-scale implementation,” she said. “We’ve got no data on long-term outcomes at all, so that worries me a lot,” she added.

Suresh Sundram, head of Monash University’s department of psychiatry, is part of several studies evaluating the use of psychedelics to treat mental health disorders. He also has problems with what he considers a premature decision. He said while current research shows “great potential” in the drugs, more evidence is needed to inform safe prescription guidelines.

Some Concerned Rescheduling Could Increase For-Profit Clinics

Another concern expressed by clinicians is that rescheduling MDMA and psilocybin could spur the growth of for-profit treatment centers. “There’s been a lot of political lobbying. There’s been a lot of commercial interest in this,” Hickie said.

Dr. Patrick McGorry, Professor of Youth Mental Health at the University of Melbourne, pulls no punches in expressing his opposition to the drugs’ rescheduling. “Can we be reassured that approval is not due to intense private lobbying/special pleading by a zealous private group?” he asked.

McGorry’s concern about profit motivation appears to be well-founded. Emyria Ltd., a clinical-stage biotech company, will likely benefit from the TGA decision to down-schedule MDMA and psilocybin. It is well-positioned to accelerate patient access to MDMA-assisted therapies. The company’s shares increased over 60% following the TGA decision to reschedule MDMA and psilocybin.

The Future of Psychedelics as Medicine is Promising

The need for alternative treatments for mental health disorders such as PTSD and treatment-resistant depression is growing exponentially worldwide. There are clinical trials worldwide looking into the efficacy of psychedelics as a treatment for many of these disorders [2].

Nathan Morehouse, Director of the Institute for Research in Sensing at the University of Cincinnati, says that psychedelics are overcoming the stigma attached to them during the “turn on, tune in, drop out” years. “The past five years have seen what people are describing as the Psychedelic Renaissance, with renewed public and medical interest in the use of natural and synthetic psychedelics for everything from smoking cessation to end-of-life care.”

Rick Doblin, executive director of the U.S.-based Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), says that Australia’s decision to approve MDMA and psilocybin for medical use should be adopted in every country. “We hope that this announcement will encourage more international discussion and collaboration towards access to psychedelic therapies and comprehensive drug policy reform.”

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Potent Cannabis Extravaganza

Concentrates: Potent Cannabis Extravaganza, Mate!

Alright, my fellow cannabis enthusiasts in Sydney, hold on tight because we’re about to take a deep dive into the world of concentrates. These beauties are the powerhouses of the cannabis universe, delivering mind-blowing potency and flavors that’ll knock your socks off. From shatter that’s as clear as a sunny day at Bondi Beach to wax that’s more satisfying than a meat pie, concentrates are where it’s at, mate!

Pure Power in Every Drop

We’re talking about highly potent cannabis extracts here, my friend. Whether it’s shatter, wax, hash, live resin, or rosin, these gems are crafted to perfection, capturing the essence of the plant in its most potent form. Brace yourself for a concentrated punch of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavors that’ll take your cannabis experience to a whole new level.

Ready to Dab or Vape?

Concentrates are all about vaporizing or dabbing. Picture this: a dab rig, a heated nail, and a touch of your favorite concentrate. When that sweet vapor hits your lungs, you’ll be floating on cloud nine, experiencing an intense and instantaneous high that’ll make your head spin. If dabbing isn’t your thing, worry not! You can also load up your vape pen or device with these golden goodies for a discreet and convenient vaping experience.

The Flavors Will Blow Your Mind!

Prepare your taste buds, because concentrates are all about flavors that’ll make you go, “Wow!” From citrusy bursts to earthy undertones and everything in between, these extracts are like a symphony of terpene goodness. Each dab or vape session will introduce you to a whole new world of flavors that you won’t find anywhere else.

Handle with Care, Mate

Now, here’s the deal with concentrates—they’re not for beginners. We’re talking serious stuff here, so make sure you approach them with caution. Start low and slow, my friend. These potent extracts can deliver a knockout blow if you’re not careful. Remember, it’s all about responsible usage, finding your sweet spot, and enjoying the ride.

Keep those concentrates stored in a cool, dry place, away from prying eyes. Trust us, you don’t want your precious stash to go to waste.

So, are you ready to embark on a concentrated adventure? Buckle up, grab your dab rig or vape pen, and get ready for a mind-bending experience. These potent extracts will take your cannabis journey to infinity and beyond. Enjoy the ride, mate!

Visit Deadhead Chemist Australia or take advantage of our cannabis delivery service in Sydney to explore our selection of dried flower, pre-rolls, edibles, vapes, and concentrates. Cheers to an unforgettable journey of cannabis delights!

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Cannabis Oils

Cannabis Oils: The Potent Elixir for Your Cannabis Journey, Mate!


Welcome to Deadhead Chemist Australia, where we’re about to take your cannabis experience to new heights with cannabis delivery available! Buckle up, my fellow cannabis enthusiasts, as we dive into the realm of cannabis oils—the potent elixirs that will elevate your journey, mate!

Nature’s Concentrated Magic

Cannabis oils are the result of meticulous extraction processes that capture the essence of the cannabis plant in its purest form. Packed with cannabinoids, terpenes, and other beneficial compounds, these oils are like a concentrated dose of nature’s magic. Each drop holds the potential to unlock a world of effects and benefits, delivering a powerful and intense experience.

Precise Dosage at Your Fingertips

The beauty of cannabis oils lies in their versatility and precise dosing capabilities. With the help of dropper bottles, you have full control over the amount you consume, allowing you to tailor your experience to your exact needs. Whether you’re seeking subtle relaxation or a deeper dive into euphoria, cannabis oils give you the power to find your sweet spot. With cannabis delivery available, you can have these potent elixirs delivered straight to your doorstep in Sydney for added convenience.

A Multitude of Consumption Options

When it comes to cannabis oils, the possibilities are endless, mate! You can simply place a few drops under your tongue for sublingual absorption, letting the oil work its magic through the rich network of blood vessels. Alternatively, you can add a dose to your favorite food or beverage, infusing them with cannabis goodness. It’s all about finding the method that suits your taste and preferences at Deadhead Chemist Australia.

Benefits Beyond the High

While cannabis oils can indeed provide an elevated experience, they offer more than just a buzz, my friend. These potent elixirs are known for their potential therapeutic properties. From soothing aches and pains to aiding relaxation and promoting a sense of calm, cannabis oils have earned their place in the wellness realm. Explore the potential benefits of these powerful oils to enhance your overall well-being.

Quality Matters, Mate!

At Deadhead Chemist Australia, we take pride in curating top-notch cannabis oils that meet the highest standards of quality and purity. Products are carefully crafted using premium cannabis plants, ensuring a consistent and reliable experience with every drop. We’re committed to providing you with a product you can trust and enjoy to the fullest.

So, grab a dropper bottle of cannabis oil, unleash the power of nature, and embark on a personalized cannabis journey with cannabis delivery available. Whether you seek relaxation, wellness, or simply an elevated experience, these potent elixirs are here to elevate your cannabis game. Enjoy responsibly, explore the possibilities, and let the magic of cannabis oils unfold before your eyes. Cheers to a delightful and transformative experience, mate!

Grab some dried flower, pre-rolls, vapes, or cannabis concentrates, roll it up, and let the good times roll, mate! Our buds are waiting to be your next adventure. Cheers to happy toking, my friend! And don’t forget, we offer cannabis delivery in Sydney for added convenience.

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The Easy-Peasy Way to Cannabis Bliss

Cannabis Capsules: The Easy-Peasy Way to Cannabis Bliss, Mate!


Hey there, cannabis enthusiasts in Sydney! We’ve got something special for you—capsules, the epitome of simplicity and convenience in the world of cannabis consumption, available at Deadhead Chemist Australia with cannabis delivery for added ease. These little powerhouses are like tiny treasure troves, encapsulating premium dried flower, pre-rolls, edibles, vapes, concentrates, or cannabis oil for easy and precise oral consumption. Get ready to unlock the wonders of cannabis with a simple swallow, mate!

The Perfect Dose in Every Capsule

Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to precise dosing! With capsules, you have the power to control your cannabis experience down to the last milligram. Each capsule is carefully crafted to contain a specific amount of your favorite cannabis product, ensuring a consistent and reliable dose every time. It’s like having your own cannabis pharmacist in a tiny package!

Oral Consumption Made Effortless

Capsules are all about simplicity, and now with cannabis delivery available in Sydney, getting your hands on these little gems is effortless. With a quick swallow, you’re on your way to cannabis bliss. No need for fancy equipment or intricate preparation—just pop a capsule, sip some water, and let the journey begin. It’s the perfect solution for those seeking a discreet and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis, whether you’re at home, on the go, or anywhere in between.

Versatility Tailored to You

At Deadhead Chemist Australia, we offer a variety of capsules to suit your preferences and needs. Whether you prefer the smooth consistency of cannabis oil or the convenience of powdered cannabis, or you’re looking for the convenience of pre-rolls in capsule form, we’ve got you covered. Choose the format that suits your preferences, and let the capsules become a seamless part of your daily routine.

Unlock the Benefits, Mate!

Cannabis capsules are not just about the buzz—they offer a multitude of potential benefits. From relaxation and stress relief to potential therapeutic properties, cannabis has been celebrated for its versatility and wellness potential. With capsules, you have a convenient and controlled way to incorporate cannabis into your wellness routine, allowing you to explore the benefits at your own pace.

Quality You Can Trust

We take pride in curating and delivering top-quality cannabis capsules that meet the highest legal standards. Products are crafted with care, using premium cannabis extracts or powdered cannabis, ensuring that each capsule carries the essence of the plant in its purest form. We believe in providing you with a product you can trust, allowing you to embark on your cannabis journey with confidence.

So, with cannabis delivery available, grab a capsule, embrace the simplicity, and unlock the wonders of cannabis with a single swallow. Whether you seek relaxation, wellness, or simply an elevated experience, these encapsulated treasures, including dried flower, pre-rolls, edibles, vapes, concentrates, and cannabis oil, are here to make your cannabis journey effortless and enjoyable. Explore the possibilities, find your perfect dose, and let the cannabis magic unfold. Cheers to a delightful and transformative experience, mate!

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Fellow Cannabis Aficionados in Sydney

Hey There, Fellow Cannabis Aficionados in Sydney!

We’ve got something special for you—pre-rolls, the ultimate convenience in the world of cannabis consumption. These bad boys are the readymade, ready-to-go joints filled with finely ground cannabis flower. Get ready to spark up, kick back, and let the good times roll, mate!

Convenience Wrapped Up in a Joint

Pre-rolls are the epitome of convenience, and now you can enjoy this convenience with cannabis delivery right to your doorstep in Sydney. At Deadhead Chemist Australia, we’ve done the work for you, carefully selecting top-notch cannabis strains, grinding them to perfection, and rolling them into perfectly shaped joints. So, when the urge to toke strikes, all you have to do is light up and enjoy. It’s like having a personal joint-rolling expert in your pocket!

Cannabis Concentrates for an Elevated Experience

In addition to pre-rolls, Deadhead Chemist Australia also offers a wide selection of cannabis concentrates. These potent extracts pack a punch and deliver a more intense experience. Whether you prefer shatter, wax, or oils, our concentrates are made from premium cannabis strains, ensuring a smooth and flavorful journey.

Spark Up and Unwind

With a pre-roll in hand or some cannabis concentrates ready to use, you’re just a flick away from relaxation and good vibes. Whether you’re chilling at home, hanging out with friends, or exploring the great outdoors, these ready-to-go joints and concentrates are the perfect companions for your cannabis adventures. Simply light up, take a puff, or dab, and let the stresses of the day melt away.

Share the Joy, Pass it Along

Remember, cannabis is all about camaraderie and sharing the good times. Pre-rolls and concentrates make it easy to pass the good vibes around. So, gather your pals, form a circle, and let the joint make its rounds or share a dab session with your friends. It’s a ritual that brings us closer together and creates moments of connection and laughter.

Respect the Ritual, Mate

Pre-rolls and cannabis concentrates are nods to the timeless tradition of joint rolling and concentrate use. Embrace it, mate! Hold that joint or concentrate with pride, take your time with each puff or dab, and appreciate the artistry that goes into crafting these little bundles of joy. And, of course, don’t forget to pass it on and spread the love.

Whether you prefer the convenience of pre-rolls or the potency of cannabis concentrates, Deadhead Chemist Australia has something for every cannabis enthusiast. With delivery options available, it’s easier than ever to enjoy a smooth and flavorful cannabis experience. So, sit back, relax, and let the good times flow. Cheers to puffing and passing, mate!

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Ready to Elevate Your Cannabis Experience

Ready to Elevate Your Cannabis Experience in Sydney, Mate?

Dried flower, mate—she’s the real deal! At Deadhead Chemist Australia, picture this: perfectly cured buds, bursting with that sweet Mary Jane goodness, ready for your toking or vaping pleasure. Let’s dive into what makes dried flower the go-to choice for Australian cannabis enthusiasts in Sydney, eh?

Strain Up, Australia!

We’ve got strains for days, mate! Indica, sativa, hybrids—you name it, we’ve got it at Deadhead Chemist Australia. These bad boys come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors, each packing its own unique punch. Whether you’re after a chill, couch-locking indica for Netflix marathons or a perky, mind-blowing sativa to spark your creativity, we’ve got the green goods to match your vibe, mate.

Packaged to Perfection

No hassle here, buddy! Our dried flower comes pre-packaged and labeled to keep things simple. Each pack proudly displays the strain name, THC and CBD levels, and any other crucial details you need to know. That way, you can make an informed choice about what you’re about to puff on at Deadhead Chemist Australia.

Light ‘Em Up, Chief!

Time to fire up that spliff, my friend! Roll it, pack it, or vape it—your call. Our dried flower is all about giving you that smooth, flavorful experience you crave. When you ignite that beauty or fire up your vape, get ready to inhale the magic. The cannabinoids and other good stuff will take you on a journey through the Land Down Under of relaxation and good vibes.

Start Low, Go Slow, Mate!

Remember, we’re all about responsible toking here, mate. Start with a small toke and let the effects slowly creep in. We want you to have a blast, but not blow your mind, eh? Take it easy, experiment with different strains, including our cannabis concentrates and pre-rolls, and find your sweet spot.

Legalize Happiness, Mate!

We’re thrilled to be part of the cannabis revolution sweeping our great nation, mate! With dried flower, cannabis concentrates, and pre-rolls, you’re not just enjoying the bud, you’re embracing a lifestyle. So let loose, explore the flavors, and celebrate your right to enjoy some good old Aussie cannabis from Deadhead Chemist Australia.

Grab some edibles, dried flower, pre-rolls, or cannabis concentrates, roll it up, and let the good times roll, mate! Our buds are waiting to be your next adventure. Cheers to happy toking, my friend! And don’t forget, we offer cannabis delivery in Sydney for added convenience.

Buy Flower Online


Experience the best cannabis in Sydney with Deadhead Chemist Australia.

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Best Cannabis Stores in Australia

The Best Cannabis Stores in Sydney, Australia!

Looking for Deadhead Chemist Australia in Sydney? At Deadhead Chemist, we pride ourselves on our comprehensive knowledge of cannabis.

Our mission is to create a welcoming and positive atmosphere for cannabis users of all ages and experience levels.

If you’re having trouble choosing the right product from our menu, don’t worry!

Our friendly budtenders are always available to guide you and help you find something suitable.

Additionally, we have all our cannabis products organized and well-described.

And, when we have special promotions or giveaways, our crew will happily provide all the details you need to know.

Visit Deadhead Chemist Australia and experience the difference today!

Sydney’s Best Hash!

Looking for something new and exciting beyond your typical flower or edible gummy options? Look no further than Deadhead Chemist Australia!

Our store’s got a vast range of concentrates and hash products to choose from.

You’ll find everything from gold seal and Afghan hash to delicious Lebanese hash pre-rolls that punch harder than a rugby scrum, and all guaranteed to satisfy every taste!

Don’t know where to start? Our friendly staff members are always ready to lend a hand and answer any questions you may have. Just ask them about our edible hash options, kick up your feet, and enjoy the ride, mate.

Best Quality Cannabis Accessories

At Deadhead Chemist Australia, we have everything you need to enjoy your cannabis experience to the fullest!

In addition to top-quality weed products, we offer a wide selection of smoking tools and accessories, including vaporizers, bongs, pipes, and rolling papers.

Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or just getting started, we’re your one-stop shop for all things cannabis.

Our knowledgeable staff can help you find the perfect products to enhance your smoking experience.

Looking for a particular strain of weed? We’ve got you covered.

Want to try out a new vaporizer or bong? We’ve got plenty to choose from.

And don’t forget about our selection of rolling papers and other smoking accessories.

But we’re more than just a place to buy your blazing supplies. We’re a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for cannabis and all its amazing benefits.

So why not come on down to Deadhead Chemist Australia, hang out, and indulge in some of the finest weed products and smoking tools around?
We can’t wait to see you!

Order Weed Online in Sydney

Ah, sometimes you want to skip the traffic and get stoned at home, mate? No stress!

If you’re in a rush and can’t chit-chat for too long, we recommend you order your weed online at Deadhead Chemist Australia.

You can browse our online shop and pick up your order in-store whenever you want! So, relax and enjoy the best of both worlds, all from the comfort of your cozy crib.

Above offers are valid in-store only and cannot be combined with other discounts.

Get to Know Sydney’s Cannabis Stores

Cannabis Stores Sydney
Hey Sydney, there are three awesomely chill Deadhead Chemist Australia stores where you can snag your fave products and chill out!

We thought we’d share some 411 on these shops so you’re always in the know.

Hey, did you know that Sydney is home to not one, not two, but *three* Deadhead Chemist Australia stores?

If you’ve got a thing for kick-ass cannabis products and chillin’ with your squad, these joints are where you wanna be.

We’ve got the inside scoop on these stores, so you can always score the best buds in town.

Also, Deadhead Chemist offers top-quality flower, tasty edibles, vaporizers, and other accessories. Stop by the Deadhead Chemist location nearest you and see for yourself what all the hype is about!


Deadhead Chemist Surry Hills is perfectly situated to serve the inner city, Paddington, Redfern, and any commuters who find themselves along this bustling area. Experience our iconic Deadhead vibe and friendly, knowledgeable staff in a super bright and welcoming setting, and don’t worry – this store has almost as many parking spots as jars of weed.


Deadhead Chemist Newtown is our baby – the first Deadhead Chemist store launched with our iconic Australian design. Located on King Street in the heart of Newtown, this Deadhead spot couldn’t get any more ‘Sydney’, sharing its location with trendy cafes, vintage shops, and vibrant street art. Whether you’re on your way to a gig at the Enmore Theatre or just exploring Newtown’s eclectic vibe, stop by Deadhead Chemist for all of your cannabis needs.


Deadhead Chemist Bondi has already been affectionately referred to as Deadhead Chemist by the Beach, and we’re here for it! Located on the North side of Bondi Road just west of the beach, Deadhead serves the eastern suburbs communities of Bondi, Tamarama, Bronte, and Waverley. When you’re traveling along the busy stretch of Bondi Road, stop by Deadhead Chemist to chat all things cannabis with our knowledgeable budtenders.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

THC Candy – Weed Candy Online

THC Candy – Weed Candy Online

Why Choose Candy with THC instead of Smoking Weed?

Precise THC Dosage

THC candies and gummies are meticulously dosed, making it easy to control your intake and achieve consistent effects. Each piece, whether it’s a lollipop or mints, contains a specific THC content, allowing for a more manageable and predictable experience compared to smoking cannabis.

Discreet and Convenient

Opt for THC candies for a discreet way to consume cannabis without the smoke, odor, or exposure associated with traditional methods. These edible products are perfect for enjoying the benefits of cannabis with convenience and privacy, packaged in portable and secure containers.

Delicious Candy Flavours

Our THC candies are not just effective; they’re irresistibly tasty, too. From sour candies to sweet chocolate bars, and fruity flavors like blueberry and berry, our array of flavors caters to every sweet tooth, making it a deliciously enjoyable experience.

Order High-Quality Edible Products with Deadhead Chemist – The #1 dispensary for Cannabis Candy!

At Deadhead Chemist, we are dedicated to providing an extensive selection of cannabis-infused lollipops, gummies, and chocolates. Each product is crafted with care using the finest cannabis extracts and designed to deliver both potent effects and medicinal benefits.

What Are the Different Weed Candy Doses?

From 1000mg to 40mg of THC per Gummy

Our THC gummies range from low to high doses, suitable for different levels of experience and medicinal purposes. Whether you need 40mg or 1000mg of THC, our edibles provide longer-lasting effects and a dose that fits your individual metabolism and cannabis needs.

Our Other THC Infused Edibles Available Online

Deadhead Chemist has a wide range of THC edibles available online in Canada. In addidition to our edible candies, here a a few popular THC-infused choices:

THC Chocolate

Delve into our decadent THC-infused chocolates, where luxurious cocoa meets high-quality cannabis extracts. These chocolate bars offer an intoxicating experience with a rich array of flavors and cannabinoids.

Weed Gummies

Our selection of weed candies includes more than just gummies. We offer everything from THC-infused gummy worms to gummy bears packed with THC, all crafted to provide a delicious and potent cannabis experience.

Sour THC Candy

For those who prefer a tangy touch, our sour THC candies offer a zesty flavor combined with the benefits of cannabis. These candies are a perfect blend of delicious taste and enjoyable cannabis exposure.

Hard Candy with THC

Savor the slow-release effects of our hard candies, which provide a discreet and longer-lasting way to enjoy THC. These candies are an ideal choice for sustained effects and a controlled experience.

THC Infused Starbursts

Indulge in the dreamy, fruit-flavored experience of our THC-infused Starbursts. These chewy candies mix the nostalgic pleasure of regular candy with the exciting, potent effects of weed candy, all while providing a delightful cannabis-infused treat.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

Why the Dirty Sprite Strain Should Be Your Next Choice

Why the Dirty Sprite Strain Should Be Your Next Choice

Dirty Sprite is a name that resonates deeply within the cannabis community. Known for its potent effects and vibrant flavors, this Sativa-dominant hybrid strain has earned a significant following. Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or a newcomer looking for something exceptional, Dirty Sprite offers a unique experience that stands out. In this blog, we will delve into the rich history, distinct characteristics, and compelling reasons why Dirty Sprite should be your next strain of choice.

Unique Genetics and Origins

Dirty Sprite is a hybrid strain that boasts a unique lineage, combining the best qualities of its parent strains. It’s a cross between Cinderella 99 and Arcata Lemon Wreck, two well-respected strains in the cannabis community. Cinderella 99, often called Cindy 99, is known for its uplifting and euphoric effects, while Arcata Lemon Wreck is celebrated for its intense lemony aroma and strong cerebral high. This genetic pairing results in a hybrid that offers a balanced and robust experience, making Dirty Sprite a standout choice for many users.

Captivating Appearance and Aroma

One of the most striking features of Dirty Sprite is its appearance. The buds are dense and covered in a thick layer of kief, giving them a frosty, crystalline look. The color palette ranges from deep green to lighter shades with hints of purple, accented by bright orange pistils. The aroma of Dirty Sprite is equally captivating, offering a sweet and earthy scent with floral and candy-like notes. This complex and inviting aroma makes Dirty Sprite a favorite among those who appreciate a rich sensory experience.

Flavor Profile: A Delightful Experience

The flavor of Dirty Sprite is as impressive as its aroma. On the inhale, you’ll experience a burst of sweetness reminiscent of candy and fruit, while the exhale reveals deeper, more complex flavors of pine and floral notes. This dynamic flavor profile makes each session an enjoyable and memorable experience. Compared to other strains, Dirty Sprite’s balanced and layered flavors set it apart, providing a more nuanced and satisfying experience for users.

Potency and Effects: Perfect Balance

Dirty Sprite is known for its high THC content, typically ranging between 20-22%, making it a potent strain suitable for experienced users. The effects of Dirty Sprite are balanced and multifaceted. Users report a euphoric and happy high that begins with a cerebral rush, promoting creativity and uplifted moods. As the high progresses, it brings about a sense of relaxation and calm without causing significant sedation, making it ideal for daytime use. Despite its low CBD content, Dirty Sprite offers several medicinal benefits, helping with pain relief, anxiety reduction, and stress management.

Growing Dirty Sprite: Tips for Success

Growing Dirty Sprite requires some level of expertise, as it thrives best in controlled environments where temperature, humidity, and light can be carefully managed. The strain prefers a warm, Mediterranean climate with plenty of sunlight. Regular pruning and maintenance are essential to ensure healthy growth and to maximize yield. While Dirty Sprite can be grown both indoors and outdoors, indoor cultivation allows for better control over environmental factors, leading to higher quality buds. Outdoor growing can yield larger plants and potentially higher overall yield, but the quality may vary based on external conditions like weather and pests.

User Experiences and Testimonials

Users of Dirty Sprite have shared overwhelmingly positive experiences. Many appreciate its balanced effects and enjoyable flavors. One user mentioned, “This is a great sativa, smooth and potent. My only regret is I didn’t get 2 ozs.” The general sentiment in online cannabis communities is that Dirty Sprite enhances mood and creativity while providing a relaxed state without causing lethargy. Its effectiveness in managing stress and anxiety makes it a popular choice for both recreational and medicinal users.

Availability and Purchasing Tips

For those looking to purchase Dirty Sprite, Crystal Cloud 9 is the go-to destination. As a leading online cannabis store in Canada, Crystal Cloud 9 offers a wide selection of high-quality cannabis products, including Dirty Sprite. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction ensures that you get the best product every time. With their easy-to-navigate website and secure payment options, purchasing your favorite strains has never been simpler. Crystal Cloud 9 provides detailed product descriptions and lab results to guarantee the authenticity and potency of their products.

The cost of Dirty Sprite can vary based on location and quality, but it typically ranges from $70 to $120, depending on the quantity. Crystal Cloud 9 offers competitive pricing and regular discounts, making it accessible for both regular users and those looking to try it for the first time. When purchasing Dirty Sprite from Crystal Cloud 9, you can be assured of the highest quality. Look for buds that are dense, sticky, and covered in trichomes. A strong, fragrant aroma is also a good indicator of quality. Crystal Cloud 9 provides lab results to ensure the product’s authenticity and potency, giving you peace of mind with every purchase.


Dirty Sprite stands out as a strain worth trying due to its potent effects, rich flavors, and medical benefits. Its unique combination of genetics, appearance, and user experiences make it a favorite among cannabis enthusiasts. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, pain relief, or a euphoric high, Dirty Sprite delivers on all fronts. Its well-balanced effects and delightful flavor profile make it a strain that deserves a place in your cannabis rotation. Have you tried Dirty Sprite? Share your experiences in the comments below and let others know what you think. If you haven’t, visit Crystal Cloud 9 to get your hands on this remarkable strain.

Additional Resources

For more information on cannabis strains, check out our other blog posts on the latest and greatest in the cannabis world. If you enjoyed Dirty Sprite, you might also like strains such as Unicorn Poop Strain, Orange Push Pop strain, and Blueberry Yum Yum strain. Each offers a unique experience that complements the characteristics of Dirty Sprite.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

The Top 5 Benefits of Consuming Magic Mushrooms

The Top 5 Benefits of Consuming Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, have been used for centuries for their psychedelic properties and therapeutic benefits. These fascinating fungi contain a naturally occurring compound called psilocybin, responsible for their mind-altering effects. There has been a growing interest in the potential benefits of consuming magic mushrooms in recent years. In this blog, we will explore the various advantages of incorporating magic mushrooms into your wellness routine.

1. The Therapeutic Potential of Magic Mushrooms

Magic mushrooms have gained attention for their potential therapeutic applications. Research suggests that psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, may profoundly affect mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Studies have shown that psilocybin-assisted therapy can provide long-lasting relief from these conditions when used in a controlled and supervised setting. This has led to an increased interest in the potential of magic mushrooms as a treatment option.

2. Enhancing Creativity and Cognitive Function

Enhancing Creativity and Cognitive Function

Many individuals report enhanced creativity and cognitive function after consuming magic mushrooms. Psilocybin has been shown to increase connectivity in the brain, leading to a more fluid thought process and improved problem-solving abilities. Users often describe a heightened sense of insight, inspiration, and imaginative thinking. These effects make magic mushrooms popular among artists, musicians, and individuals seeking to expand their creative potential.

3. Spiritual and Personal Growth

Spiritual and Personal Growth

Magic mushrooms have a long history of use in spiritual and religious practices. The psychedelic experience induced by psilocybin can be deeply introspective and transformative. Many users report profound spiritual experiences, interconnectedness, and a sense of unity with the universe. These experiences can lead to personal growth, self-reflection, and a broader perspective on life, making magic mushrooms a tool for spiritual exploration and self-discovery.

4. Alleviating Depression and Anxiety

Studies have shown promising results in using magic mushrooms to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. The psychedelic experience facilitated by psilocybin can help individuals break free from negative thought patterns and gain a new perspective on their lives. Magic mushrooms have been reported to induce joy, peace, and emotional openness, providing temporary relief from depressive and anxious symptoms. However, it’s important to note that magic mushrooms should only be consumed under the guidance of a trained professional in therapeutic settings.

5. Promoting Mindfulness and Well-being

Promoting Mindfulness and Well-being

Magic mushrooms have the potential to enhance mindfulness and overall well-being. The altered state of consciousness induced by psilocybin can bring individuals into the present moment, allowing them to cultivate a deep sense of awareness and mindfulness. This heightened consciousness can lead to increased self-acceptance, reduced stress, and improved well-being.

Buying Magic Mushrooms in Australia

Blue Angel Magic Mushrooms

When you buy magic mushrooms in Asutralia, a few options are available to ensure a safe and reliable experience. Let’s explore these options:

  • Licensed Magic Mushroom Dispensaries: Licensed magic mushroom dispensaries provide a regulated environment for purchasing magic mushrooms. These dispensaries operate within the legal framework, ensuring product quality, safety, and adherence to strict guidelines. They offer a wide selection of magic mushroom strains, including dried mushrooms, capsules, edibles, and microdose products. Licensed dispensaries also have knowledgeable staff who can guide dosage and usage.
  • Online Magic Mushroom Retailers: The option to buy magic mushrooms online has become increasingly popular in Asutralia. Online retailers offer a convenient and discreet way to purchase magic mushrooms from the comfort of your own home. These retailers typically provide a wide variety of strains, product formats, and dosage options. Choosing reputable online retailers that prioritize product quality, secure packaging, and discreet shipping methods is important. Look for customer reviews, third-party lab testing, and transparent information about the sourcing and cultivation of their mushrooms.
  • Local Community and Events: In some areas, local communities and events may provide access to magic mushrooms. These platforms facilitate connections between growers, enthusiasts, and consumers, creating a network where individuals can share their experiences and exchange products. Participating in these communities can provide opportunities to connect with knowledgeable individuals, learn about different strains, and find trusted sources for magic mushrooms.

The Importance of Responsible Consumption

While magic mushrooms offer potential benefits, it’s crucial to approach their consumption responsibly. Here are some key considerations:

  • Dosage: Start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed. Different strains and individuals may have varying potency levels, so you must familiarize yourself with your specific strain.
  • Set and Setting: Create a safe and comfortable environment for your psychedelic experience. Consider factors such as lighting, music, and the presence of trusted individuals who can provide support if needed.
  • Intention and Mindset: Approach your magic mushroom experience with a clear purpose and positive mindset. Cultivate an open and receptive attitude to maximize the potential therapeutic benefits.
  • Integration and Reflection: After your experience, take time to integrate and reflect on the insights and emotions that arise. Journaling, meditation, or discussing your experience with a trusted friend or professional can be valuable for integration.

Magic mushrooms offer a range of potential benefits, including therapeutic applications, enhanced creativity, spiritual exploration, and improved well-being. However, it’s important to approach their use cautiously and respectfully, ensuring you consume them responsibly and by local laws and regulations. To explore magic mushroom benefits, seek professional guidance and consider the option to buy magic mushrooms online in Asutralia. Incorporate these fascinating fungi into your wellness routine and unlock their transformative potential.

Always prioritize your safety and consult healthcare professionals before consuming magic mushrooms or psychedelic substances.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

The Benefits of Buying Weed Online

The Benefits of Buying Weed Online

In today’s digital age, the convenience of purchasing cannabis products online has revolutionized the way people obtain their favourite strains and edibles. Suppose you’re in Canada looking to buy cheap weed online, explore a diverse selection of weed strains, or discover a wide range of weed edibles. In that case, online dispensaries offer an array of benefits. This article will delve into the advantages of buying weed online.

Convenience and Accessibility:

Convenience takes center stage when you buy cheap weed online in Canada. Online dispensaries provide a hassle-free shopping experience, allowing you to browse and purchase cannabis products from the comfort of your own home. Gone are the days of navigating traffic or adhering to strict store hours. You can access a vast selection of affordable weed products with just a few clicks, including budget-friendly options. Whether you’re searching for weed strains known for their relaxation-inducing effects or weed edibles in various forms, buying online offers unparalleled accessibility.

Wide Selection of Products:

High Dose - Tangerine THC Gummies 1000mg

Buying weed strains or exploring weed edibles online unlocks a treasure trove of options. Online dispensaries boast an extensive inventory that caters to diverse preferences and needs. The possibilities are endless, from potent Indica strains renowned for their calming properties to hybrid varieties that balance Indica and Sativa effects. Furthermore, you can buy weed edibles online, such as gummies, chocolates, and baked goods, providing a discreet and enjoyable alternative to traditional consumption methods. Online dispensaries ensure a broad selection of products, catering to seasoned cannabis enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

Competitive Pricing and Savings:

If you want to buy cheap weed online in Canada, online dispensaries are your go-to source. Due to reduced overhead costs compared to brick-and-mortar stores, online dispensaries often offer competitive pricing on a wide range of products. By cutting out physical storefront expenses, they pass on the savings to customers, allowing you to access affordable options without compromising quality. Additionally, many online dispensaries provide special discounts, promotions, and loyalty programs, enabling you to save even more on your purchases. When you buy weed online, you can enjoy the dual benefits of convenience and affordability.

Discreet and Secure Shopping Experience:

Discreet and secure shopping experience

Privacy is a top priority for individuals seeking to buy weed online. Online dispensaries understand the importance of discretion, ensuring that all orders are packaged and shipped discreetly. Your chosen products will arrive in plain, unmarked packaging, preserving your privacy throughout delivery. Furthermore, online dispensaries prioritize the security of their customer’s personal and financial information. They employ secure payment options and encrypted websites, offering peace of mind while you shop from the comfort of your own home.

Product Information and Customer Reviews:

Product Information

Online dispensaries provide comprehensive product information, including detailed descriptions of weed strains, THC/CBD content, and effects. This valuable information empowers you to make informed decisions based on your preferences and desired effects. Whether you’re seeking a specific strain renowned for its relaxation properties or a potent edible with a particular flavour profile, online dispensaries have you covered. Additionally, customer reviews and ratings provide insights into the quality and effectiveness of products, helping you make informed choices and ensuring a satisfactory cannabis experience.


When it comes to buying weed online in Canada, the benefits are abundant. From the convenience and accessibility of shopping from home to the wide selection of affordable weed products, online dispensaries cater to your needs. Whether you’re seeking to buy cheap weed online in Canada, explore weed strains, or delve into weed edibles, online dispensaries provide a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience. Embrace the advantages of buying weed online and embark on a journey of discovery and wellness. Start exploring today and unlock the endless possibilities of the online cannabis market.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

Top 10 Tips for Finding the Best Cannabis Products at the Best Prices

Top 10 Tips for Finding the Best Cannabis Products at the Best Prices

Cannabis has become more prevalent in recent years, with more and more people turning to this versatile plant for its many benefits. Whether you’re looking for pain relief, relaxation, or just a good time, cannabis products can provide the perfect solution. However, with so many different types of products available, it can be a challenge to know where to start when finding the best cannabis products at the best prices. In this blog, we’ll share the top 10 tips to help you find the best cannabis products online, including choosing the best online cannabis store in Canada.

Tip #1: Know What You’re Looking For

Before you start shopping for cannabis products, knowing what you’re looking for is essential. Are you interested in smoking, vaping, or edibles? Do you prefer THC or CBD products, or a combination of both? Knowing what you want can help you narrow your search and find the best products.

Tip #2: Read Reviews

Read Reviews

One of the top ways to find the best cannabis products is to read reviews from other customers. Pay attention to what others say about the products’ quality, pricing, and customer service. Look for reviews on the product pages of online stores, as well as on forums and social media.

Tip #3: Compare Prices

When finding the best cannabis products at the best prices, it’s essential to research and compare prices from different online stores. Don’t just settle for the first store you come across – take the time to shop around and find the best deals.

Tip #4: Look for Discounts and Promotions

Many online cannabis stores offer product discounts and promotions, so watch for these deals. Some stores offer discounts for first-time customers, while others offer free shipping or other incentives. Sign up for their newsletters or follow their social media platforms to stay updated on their latest promotions.

Tip #5: Check the Quality of the Products

Check the Quality of the Products

When shopping for cannabis products online, it’s essential to check the quality of the products before making a purchase. Look for products that have been lab-tested and are free from contaminants. Check the product descriptions and labels to ensure you get what you’re paying for.

Tip #6: Choose a Reputable Online Cannabis Store

Choosing the best online cannabis store in Canada is crucial to finding the best cannabis products at the best prices. Look for a store with a good reputation for quality products and excellent customer service. Check their website for information on their shipping and return policies, as well as their customer reviews.

Tip #7: Look for a Wide Variety of Products

An excellent online cannabis store should offer a wide variety of products. Look for a store with a range of products, including flowers, concentrates, edibles, and topicals. This way, you get many options to help you find the best products to suit your needs.

Tip #8: Check for Customer Service

Check for Customer Service

When shopping for cannabis products online, choosing a store that offers excellent customer service is vital. Look for stores with a responsive customer service team to help you with any questions or concerns. Check their website for their contact information and make sure they offer multiple ways to reach out, such as email, phone, and live chat.

Tip #9: Check the Shipping Policy

Before purchasing from an online cannabis store:

  1. Check their shipping policy.
  2. Look for stores that offer free or low-cost shipping and fast and reliable shipping options.
  3. Check their shipping times and procedures to ensure your products arrive promptly and safely.

Tip #10: Consider the Overall Experience

Finally, when choosing the best online cannabis store Canada, consider the overall experience of shopping with them. Look for a store that has an easy-to-use website with clear product descriptions and pricing. Ensure they have a secure checkout process and accept various payment methods.

In conclusion, finding the best cannabis products at the best prices requires research and due diligence. Following these tips, you can find the best online cannabis store in Canada that offers quality products, excellent customer service, and competitive pricing. Remember to read reviews, compare prices, and check the quality of the products before making a purchase. With the right online store, you can enjoy the benefits of cannabis products while saving money and getting the best value for your money.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

What are Magic Mushrooms, and Why are they Popular in Australia?

What are Magic Mushrooms, and Why are they Popular in Australia?

Magic mushrooms are also referred to as Psilocybin Mushrooms. They are popular in Australia because they offer a range of health benefits.

The mushrooms have anti-inflammatory, cognitive enhancer, and depression-boosting properties.

They are also said to be helpful facilitates better sleep, improving appetite, and reducing anxiety and stress.

They are a good choice for people who want to try something new, who are looking for a psychedelic experience, or for those who want to improve their mood.

In this blog we will discuss why are shrooms popular in Australia?

Magic mushrooms, also called shrooms, are wild mushrooms containing psilocybin as the active element.

There are many misconceptions about magic mushrooms.

In fact, some people believe that they can cause serious health issues. This is simply not true.

The dangers of using mushrooms are due to modern chemicals and their abuse, not the mushrooms themselves.

In 1979 and 1980, newspaper articles expressed concern that mushrooms were dangerous. However, these claims were ultimately disproved. Today, the federal justice department is required by law to make possessing magic mushrooms illegal.

Benefits of Magic Mushrooms 

Some of the benefits of shrooms include:

  • Improved focus and concentration
  • Increased emotional intensity
  • Reduced anxiety and depression
  • Improved appetite Weight loss


The legality of magic mushrooms in Canada has been a topic of discussion for some time now.

Although federal law prohibits the sale of these substances, some Vancouver store owners are selling them anyway.

In 1982, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that possessing dried mushrooms containing psilocybin constituted possession of a controlled substance.

Since that ruling, it has been illegal to buy, possess, or sell magic mushrooms in Canada.

However, despite the illicit status of magic mushrooms, they are still widely used and popular recreational drugs.

Although the laws are strict in Canada, new research has shown that magic mushrooms can have therapeutic effects, helping people with addictions and alleviating symptoms of depression.

psilocybin mushrooms What are Magic Mushrooms, and Why are they Popular in Canada?


Growing pattern 

The magic mushroom grows in a cluster in various substrates, including soil. The mushrooms’ mycelium (root) helps to facilitate microfiltration and absorb nutrients from the soil.

It also serves as an organic filter for water and soil. The mushroom’s growing pattern is useful to the home gardener because it can grow in various substrates.

There are several species of magic mushrooms. These vary in their growth patterns and psilocybin and norbaeocystin contents.

Some varieties contain additional bioactive alkaloids, such as baeocystin, a synthetic analog of norbaeocystin.

Side effects 

While the positive side effects of magic mushrooms are often well worth the risk, there are also potential negative ones.

These substances are not regulated, and it can be challenging to know how strong they are.

As with any unprocessed substance, it’s essential to consult with a medical practitioner before consuming them.


Common strains 

There are many types of magic mushrooms. The most common is the liberty bell and the white cap.

Liberty bell mushrooms are often found in grassy, damp fields and are considered highly potent.

Their caps are conical and vary in diameter from five to twenty-five millimeters.

When they are young, they have remnants of a partial veil. They also have white stems and purple-black spore prints.

The most common variety is Psilocybe semilanceata, which grows throughout North America and northern Europe.

Other types of magic mushrooms can be found growing in South America and Australia.


In conclusion, magic mushrooms are a popular hallucinogenic drug in Canada because of their hallucinogenic qualities and potential to produce strong hallucinations.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

Need a Good Night’s Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

Need a Good Night’s Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

Lack of sleep can have significant negative health consequences, but there are plenty of ways to get a good night’s sleep if you’re struggling to do so. That includes incorporating cannabis into your routine, which, while it may not seem logical at first glance, can help you get the rest you need.
Cannabinoids are a class of chemical compounds found in marijuana and cannabis. They interact with the chemicals in the body that regulate sleep, appetite, pain, relaxation, and other processes. Simply, the chemical makeup of marijuana helps the biological system do crucial tasks. In fact, there are numerous sleeping medicines made from cannabis, including Nabilone, Marinol, and Dronabinol.
The key is finding the best cannabis strains that will help you fall asleep and stay that way all night long.

Green Crack

Untitled 3 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

In addition to its calming effects, Green Crack also has pain relieving properties that are great for people who suffer from chronic pain or insomnia. Its sativa high is perfect for daytime use and can help with mood swings and depression. While it may not be the best choice if you have trouble falling asleep, this strain is good at helping you sleep more soundly through the night.


Untitled 4 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

You may have heard of strains that can help you sleep like indica and hybrid strains. But what about sativa strains? Sativas are often thought to be more energizing, so it might be difficult to imagine them as a good choice for sleep. However, there are some potent sativa strains that can help with insomnia and promote relaxation, making them perfect for use at night.


Purple Kush

Untitled 5 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains


This is an indica-dominant hybrid strain with 15% THC content. It has a mellow, relaxing effect that leaves the user feeling euphoric and sleepy. This strain works well for people who need help falling asleep or sleeping through the night. For patients suffering from anxiety or depression, this strain can be especially helpful at easing symptoms.

Sour Diesel:

Untitled 6 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

The high in this potent sativa is uplifting and clearheaded – making it perfect for daytime use when you want to remain focused and active.

Super Lemon Haze:

Untitled 7 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

The Super Lemon Haze strain is one of the most popular strains and for good reason. This sativa dominant hybrid is known to be uplifting, energetic, and euphoric. It also has medicinal properties that are great for pain relief and insomnia.

Jack Herer:

Untitled 8 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

If you’re in the market for a cannabis strain that will knock you out, Jack Herer is the perfect choice. This sweet-smelling sativa is an excellent nighttime strain for those looking to relax and fall asleep. It has an energizing effect so won’t leave you feeling lethargic or tired. If you need something a little more mellow, try Granddaddy Purple instead.

Granddaddy Purple

Untitled 9 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

This indica-dominant strain is named for its grape-purple buds that look like grapes. Granddaddy Purple, or GDP for short, offers deeply relaxing effects and an earthy aroma. This strain can help you sleep peacefully and avoid restless nights.  The chemical properties in this strain are high in myrcene terpenes which are known to promote relaxation and calmness.

Grand Daddy Purp has a strong body stone with very little cerebral stimulation so it may be better suited for nighttime use.

Despite the heavy body stone, this strain does not cause feelings of laziness. Rather, it encourages deep relaxation.

Northern Lights:

Untitled 10 Need a Good Night's Sleep? Try These Cannabis Strains

A hybrid strain with high levels of THC and low levels of CBD, Northern Lights is one of the most famous strains for inducing sleep. A cross between Afghani and Thai varieties, Northern Lights often has an earthy smell with sweet undertones. It can also be found in different variations that include Blueberry Northern Lights or Durban Poison Northern Lights.

The Bottom Line:

If you’re an insomniac, using cannabis to fall asleep can seem like a dream come true. Cannabis strains rich in THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, can be an effective way to induce drowsiness and help you sleep more soundly at night – but it’s not the only way. Certain cannabis strains are also rich in cannabidiol (CBD), which can have calming effects on the body while preventing you from getting high, so they can be helpful whether you have trouble sleeping because of anxiety or insomnia.

However, whether you are looking to buy weed online in Australia or at any physical store in the country, make sure to buy from the approved vendor.

Deadhead Chemist Australia

Meet THC – O, the Strongest THC in the Market

Meet THC – O, the Strongest THC in the Market

THC-O a synthetic cannabinoid more potent than delta-8 THC. It is legal in some states but may have side effects. It can also lead to tolerance. Many people are interested in THC-O as it easily gets absorbed by the body and produces a psychotropic high. Also, it is an artificial compound that falls under synthetic cannabinoids. In this blog, we will look at the benefits, details and risks involved in THC-O usage.

THC-O is a Synthetic Cannabinoid

THC-O, also referred to as THC-O acetate, is a synthetic cannabinoid that has a similar high as THC or even more sometimes, but with some additional medicinal properties.

It can help alleviate pain and ease nausea and may be a sedative. More investigations are needed to confirm its potential.

The process of making THC acetate involves danger. Initially, CBD is extracted from hemp. Followed by this, delta eight is separated from the mixture. Then it is added to acetic anhydride.

Note: never try to make THC-O at home as it is highly flammable.

It is more than twice as potent as Delta-8.

THC-O is a new synthetic cannabinoid.

While Delta-8-THC has been around for a long, THC-O is new to the market, only being available on the market in recent years.

This compound is more potent than regular THC, having three times the effect. It’s known for its psychedelic and spiritual effects.

It Is Legal In States Where Weed Sales Are Not

The THC content of marijuana permitted in individual states is proportional to how old the purchaser is and whether there was a medical professional’s suggestion.

Marijuana is or isn’t legal in various jurisdictions, depending on an evaluation of details. Some places where marijuana is permitted dispense the bounty through licensed dispensaries.

They charge a tax on the product based on its THC content.

Generally, a product containing more than 35% THC will be taxed at 25%. Products containing less than that amount will be taxed at 10%. Local municipalities can also tax up to 3% of the sales of marijuana.

Effects of THC-O

THC-O is thrice as potent as delta 9. It delivers high psychoactive results, which can be both relaxing and energetic.

Also, it intends to produce a more profound level of introspection in contrast to the standard THC.

Some of the expected effects of THC-O include:

  • · Psychedelic effects
  • · Buzz
  • · Joy
  • · Relaxation
  • · Body high
  • · Consciousness expansion

Untitled 1 Meet THC - O, the Strongest THC in the Market

Benefits of THC-O

Being primarily anecdotal, THC-O has many medical benefits and provides promising results.
It is also believed that THC-O helps relieve pain and overcome stress.

THC-O has sleep-supportive qualities

It boosts the appetite.

But more research is still required in evidence of the medical as well as therapeutic effects of THC-O.

Side Effects of THC Acetate

Despite having too many benefits, some have also experienced its side effects.

Though the effects of THC-O are very individualized, the most common side effects of THC-O are stated as follows:

  • Dizziness
  • nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Lethargy
  • Grogginess
  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoia

Note: When starting any drug, it is recommended to start with smaller doses. Increase the dosage according to the tolerance produced by your body in accordance with the intake.

It May Cause Tolerance

The benefits of Meet THC O may be greater than those of regular cannabis. This cannabis product contains more THC than regular cannabis but is still safe to use for medical purposes. Its effectiveness is related to the bioavailability of the drug.

However, THC-O may lead to tolerance if you do not follow recommended dosage guidelines. To determine whether or not THC-O will cause tolerance, you should do a laboratory test before taking any THC-O.

Untitled 2 Meet THC - O, the Strongest THC in the Market

It Is a Schedule 1 Drug

The drug THC O is extracted from hemp and contains synthetic elements. In addition to THC, it contains acetic anhydride.

In 1978, the DEA discovered a covert laboratory in Jacksonville, Florida, where cannabis was combined with acetic acid to produce a THC-O.

Until then, the drug was not on the DEA’s radar. In fact, the federal drug agency was reluctant to investigate it.

It Is Not Regulated

As a hemp product, Meet THC O is widely available. It is manufactured from industrial hemp and contains less than 0.3 % delta-9-THC.

However, several factors must be considered when buying this product. It is essential to grow hemp without chemical pesticides or harsh chemicals. Another critical factor is the purity of the extract.

Is THC-O Safe?

There is no adequate evidence that claims that THC-O is safe.

While smoking THC-O can produce harsh fumes and byproducts on being heated. These fumes are further harmful to the lungs.

Earlier intake of synthetic cannabinoids has produced health hazards such as kidney damage, lung injury etc.


In conclusion, THC-O usage can benefit the user, including increased creativity and Relaxation, mental clarity and better sleep.

However, some risks are also involved with THC-O use, including addiction and dependence.

Therefore, it is essential to consider the risks and benefits before starting this type of usage and make sure you have a support system in place if you experience any problems.

A little bit about the author

British Columbia’s Crystal Cloud 9 dispensary is among the best online cannabis dispensary in Canada. Cannabis products like strains, flowers, edibles, magic mushrooms, and concentrates are available at our store.

Check out our online marijuana shop to step into the world of Marijuana

Deadhead Chemist Australia

Why I am Not Getting High Anymore

Why I am Not Getting High Anymore

Every wonder why you are not achieving the state of high with your cannabis like you used to have before? May be you are buying a poor quality of weed. May be you are doing it wrong.

In this article, we will walk through such reasons to find out why you are not getting high anymore. Let’s get started.

Is This Weed or What?

Take a close look at the tobacco you’re smoking and how you’re smoking it before anything else. Are you a strict cannabis user? Do you fill your blunts, bongs, and joints only with freshly ground marijuana? The fact that many marijuana users combine their flower with a variety of different fillers, such as various types of herbs and tobacco, may then come as a surprise to you. While doing so extends the life of a cache and adds a marginally distinct effect, it can also interfere with your high. Make sure you put in enough marijuana while rolling joints if you use a lot of tobacco to get a noticeable high.

You must make sure that the marijuana you are consuming is, in fact, marijuana. Contrary to popular belief, con artists, or as they are also called, oregano salesman, frequently emerge from the underworld.

Are You Smoking Stems or Leaves?

In jurisdictions where the possession, purchasing, and cultivation of marijuana are now legal or at least decriminalized, millions of marijuana users presently reside. Well done to them. However, millions of people are still trapped in the past. If you don’t produce your own cannabis, you will have to purchase it from dealers and poor growers (and risk going to prison for doing so).

Without a doubt, some cannabis sold on the underground market works. Some cultivators have raised their level to create big, juicy buds utilizing an organic method because they sincerely aim for quality. Others, on the other hand, are more interested in getting rich quick than they are in expanding. Bad weed and heavy sacks comprised of leaves and stems are the result of this. Although there may be some terpenes and cannabinoids in these plant components, they are far less abundant than buds.

The Age of Your Weed:

How old, exactly, is the marijuana you’re puffing? When stored in bad circumstances from the start, the chemical components in cannabis decay faster the longer they are exposed to air, extreme temperatures, and light. You can experience a very little psychoactive impact that isn’t as euphoric or strong as usual if you’re smoking weed that is fairly old. This is primarily because the majority of the THC has converted to CBN, which doesn’t produce the normal high associated with cannabis.

How about poor hash? It might be difficult to find high-quality hash, especially when buying it on the illicit market. Beeswax, solvents, and even coffee are examples of additives used in certain products that have a bad taste and reduce the euphoric effects intended by lowering the proportion of cannabinoids.

The Quality of THC:

Each strain’s unique cannabinoid profile serves as the basis for its possible benefits. THC-rich buds give off a traditional high that causes euphoria, munchies, laughs, and good times. However, not all strains contain enough THC to cause intoxication. Modern cannabis breeding has produced strains with astronomically high CBD content and nearly no THC at all. These buds have the exact same appearance as ones that contain THC, but they won’t make you high. Other strains have an equal amount of each cannabinoid. These will give you a mild high, however the effects of CBD will partially neutralise the euphoric effects of THC.

The Frequency of Smoking:

You probably need to smoke more if you’re new to cannabis and you’re not baking. That is very tragic! THC in little dosages has a modest effect, but you may need more of the cannabinoid to get that real, authentic high.

Roll larger joints, choose THC-rich strains, and use a bong bowl rather than a spliff to consume your cannabis. Although you don’t have to go all out, you can start by smoking the same quantity as usual and then push the envelope a little to avoid having a negative experience.

When the Art of Inhaling Goes Wrong:

If you can’t get high, you might need to improve your marijuana smoking technique. Do you recall how sleazy Bill Clinton claimed he smoked marijuana but “didn’t inhale”? Don’t do that, I repeat. Many inexperienced marijuana users have complained that joints “simply don’t get them high,” but if you smoke them correctly, joints may truly burn you.

Smoke should be inhaled into your mouth and then farther into your lungs; this will allow the cannabinoids to reach your alveoli and quickly enter your bloodstream.

A beginner might feel it difficult and unpleasant at first, however, the more you do it, the more yuour body deal with the warning signs and realise it is about tog get treated to a dose of THC.

When Stress Comes between You and Your Euphoria:

euphoria Why I am Not Getting High Anymore

Stress has surprising effects on the psyche. Many of the physiological and psychological effects of stress are well-understood by science, but there is still much that is unknown. We are aware that stress alters hormone production in the body, causes tension, and skyrockets cortisol and adrenaline levels. Weak effects from marijuana can result from changes in our baseline condition brought on by deadlines, bills, and personal difficulties.

Try to relax. Before you light up, take a stroll or a brisk run to release your own happy endocannabinoids. Pre-joint meditation can help you unwind and reduce tension. Aim for 10 minutes. Alternately, have a conversation. Take a seat with a handful of your closest pals, share a joint, and let go of your emotional burden.

You are Just too Full:

You will be familiar with how strong THC strikes if you have ever smoked a lot of marijuana on an empty stomach while your blood sugar levels are dropping. Contrarily, consuming too much food might lessen the effects of the cannabis high. As a result, seasoned users sometimes eat a substantial meal before engaging in heavy smoking to reduce the likelihood of passing out.

Before getting high, eat something, but choose something light. Choose a low-carb snack or dinner; a protein source and a side of vegetables will provide your body with nutrients without significantly raising blood sugar levels.

We hope that you must have got your answer why you are not getting high anymore. It boils down to key things like buying quality weed and learning the right ways to consume it. What do you think? Let us know by commenting below!

Magic Mushrooms

Buy Magic Mushrooms Australia

Buy Magic Mushrooms Australia

Buy Magic Mushrooms Australia The origin of the Golden Teacher is not known but its rumoured to have been discovered growing in a pile of dung and straw on a horse ranch in Georgia. The name comes from the admirable golden colour of the caps and and so-called teaching capacities. Golden Teachers are a great choice for first time trippers as they are known to provide a euphoric, blissful experience.
Golden Teacher is the strain that’s become the gold standard when it comes to magic mushrooms. This incredible strain is perfect for psychonauts of all experience levels and even those who have none.Buy Magic Mushrooms online Australia

Magic Mushrooms for sale

That’s because Golden Teacher magic mushrooms have some of the most incredible effects of any strain on the market. Golden Teacher will undoubtedly teach you something profound and potentially life-changing.

Where to buy Magic Mushrooms Australia

Like many magic mushroom strains, the history of Golden Teacher remains a bit of a mystery. What is known is that Golden Teacher magic mushrooms have been around since at least the 1980s.

The story goes that somebody found them somewhere in Florida and started to culture them.

Buy Magic Mushrooms Australia

There’s talk online that Golden Teacher is actually a PES Hawaiian strain but renamed by another grower. Apparently, the grower noticed that the Golden Teacher magic mushrooms had a slightly different look to others he grew because they had a golden-yellowish colored cap.

We may never know which story is actually true, but at this point, it doesn’t really matter. We’re just happy that Golden Teacher magic mushrooms exist because these shrooms have changed the game forever.

How to Dose Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms

The great thing about Golden Teacher is that they’re incredibly simple to dose. They have about average potency, so a P. cubensis dosing chart like this one will help guide you:

.25 grams (g) for a threshold dose (should feel something)
.25-1g for a light dose (recreational dose)
1-2.5g for a medium dose (recreational dose)
5-5g for a strong dose (recreational to spiritual dose)
5g for a heavy dose (spiritual dose)

You can take 1-2 grams just to test out the waters if you’re a first-time user. Experienced psychonauts will be able to take over two grams with no problems.

If you’re going on a spiritual journey, then you’ll need to take a strong dose or even a heavy one, but remember to be prepared before taking a lot.
Taking Golden Teacher Magic Mushrooms Spiritually
If you want to go on a spiritual journey, then Golden Teacher magic mushrooms will take you on one. These humble magic mushrooms have a lot to teach us, but they can only do so under the right conditions.
That means that you have to prepare the class so that Golden Teacher can do its job effectively. What that means is that you need to take care of both the set and the setting.

The set refers to your mindset, and you’ll want to have it as clear and open as possible. While that sounds difficult, there are a few simple things you can do.

First, it’s best to have your schedule clear and your obligations taken care of. Turn off your phone and spend the day as relaxed as you can, without anyone bothering you.

Of course, it’s hard to turn our brains off, but you’ll need to try to keep your mind free.

The next thing you need to think of is the setting or the place you’ll trip at. Most people opt to do it at home, but it can be anywhere that’s safe, comfortable, and familiar.

Remember that other people are part of the setting, and ideally, you want to have only one person with you. That person is known as the trip-sitter, and they can help you in case you hit some rough patches.

Once set and setting are taken care of, Golden Teachers will be able to start their lesson. All you need to do is take a hefty dose and let go.

Aussie Discreet Store is the best place to buy magic mushrooms online to also have magic mushrooms for sale online discretely to your location. Buying magic mushrooms for sale online is a hallucinogen that works by stimulating serotonin receptors, most commonly in the prefrontal cortex.

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